
Robin DiAngelo criticizes conservative Matt Walsh after embarrassing redemption scene in new documentary

Robin DiAngelo criticizes conservative Matt Walsh after embarrassing redemption scene in new documentary

White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo sharply criticized well-known conservative podcaster Matt Walsh for posing as an anti-racism activist and tricking her into paying reparations to a black producer in an upcoming film she called a “Borat-style mockumentary.”

DiAngelo announced in a statement on Thursday that she would not watch the film. In her opinion, it was “designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists.” She also addressed the uncomfortable scene that took place in the documentary “Am I a Racist?” between her and right-wing extremist Matt Walsh.

Walsh, 38, was working undercover when he sat down with DiAngelo, claiming to be interested in anti-racist views before asking his producer Ben, who is black, to join them.

Walsh, who works for the conservative media outlet Daily Wire, convinced her to give Ben some money as compensation after Walsh also gave away some of his own money in that embarrassing moment.

Robin DiAngelo made a statement about her interview in the documentary “Am I a Racist?” Seattle Channel/ YouTube

DiAngelo, 68, said in her lengthy statement that when she was contacted by a group about the documentary in 2023, the film was to be titled “Shades of Justice” and to be about efforts to combat racism in the United States.

She received $15,000 for her participation (which she later donated), but when she showed up for the interview, “a few things felt weird,” including the “ill-fitting wig” Walsh wore as a man bun.

However, she said Walsh was “serious” about anti-racism work and his questions were not hostile until “things got weird” at the end when she delved into the awkward reparations scene that left DiAngelo visibly confused.

“I was so disturbed by the way Matt manipulated that final scene that I emailed the contact – who performed with 'Lee Hampton' – to explain that this scene was not an example of redemption and could mislead viewers,” DiAngelo explained.

The author was tricked into giving money to a black producer. Daily Wire Studios

“I asked that they not use it in the film and provided several sources that provide an overview of legitimate systematic efforts at redress.

“He assured me that he understood and that it had not yet been decided whether reparations payments would be made. He never contacted me again or answered an email.”

Later, she said, she realized that she had been “outplayed.”

“The title is not 'Shades of Justice,' nor is it intended to support the anti-racist cause. It is a Borat-style mockumentary titled 'Am I a Racist?' and is designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists,” she wrote.

DiAngelo rose to prominence when her New York Times bestseller White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism hit bookstores in 2018.

DiAngelo's bestselling book, White Fragility. Beacon Press

Walsh's documentary is set to hit theaters on September 13 and will be the Daily Wire's first film to be released on the big screen.

Walsh reveled in DiAngelo's comments on Thursday and continued to mock her.

“Robin DiAngelo released a statement condemning our film, claiming the film is 'designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists,'” he tweeted. “She couldn't be more correct in that assessment. Thank you, Robin!”

“The part of this wonderful statement that I like best is her statement that she noticed my 'ill-fitting wig' when she first sat down with me,” he continued.

“And yet, for some reason, she gave the interview.”

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