
DJ, 43, who sexually abused a 14-year-old schoolgirl and fathered a child with her, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison

DJ, 43, who sexually abused a 14-year-old schoolgirl and fathered a child with her, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison

A DJ who fathered a child with a 14-year-old schoolgirl after tricking her into believing they were having an affair has been sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Kirk Wilding, 43, from Wigan, Greater Manchester, treated the victim as his secret girlfriend for six months after previously dating her mother.

The father of two ignored a police request to stay away from her and instead met up with her repeatedly – falsely claiming their friendship was platonic. Wilding was arrested after a witness caught him having sex with the girl at a house party.

Investigators also found hundreds of text messages between the two, one of which read, “Love you darling xxx,” and she replied, “We're both, I don't want anyone else.”

The girl initially refused to press charges against Wilding, but in May last year she told police he had abused her. The 15-year-old gave birth to his son last month.

At Bolton Crown Court, he admitted penetrative sexual activity with a child and child abduction. He was given a restraining order requiring him to stay away from the girl indefinitely.

Despite his conviction and imprisonment, Wilding can continue to fight for the right to contact with his child under the Family Court Act.

Kirk Wilding from Wigan admitted penetrative sexual activity with a child and child abduction

In a statement, the girl said: “I have not been going to school and have lost friends because of what happened. I feel isolated and trapped. At first I could not understand things – now I have been able to step back and see what has happened to me.”

Victim’s statement about Kirk Wilding

“I missed school and lost friends because of the incident. I feel isolated and trapped. At first I couldn't understand things – now I've been able to step back and see what's happened to me.

“He controlled me and turned me against my family. I couldn't say anything because of what he did to me. I lost a big part of my teenage life. I had Kirk on the phone all the time and he forced me to call him. I felt like I had no other choice.

“I'm worried now about how I'm going to tell the baby and how people will judge me if I have a baby in a situation like this. This will affect me for the rest of my life.

“Kirk will not play a role in the baby's life, but I am afraid to go out and wonder if he will be out and about trying to contact the baby. I don't want any contact with him at all.”

“He controlled me and turned me against my family. I couldn't say anything because of what he did to me. I lost a big part of my teenage life. I had Kirk on the phone all the time and he forced me to call him. I felt like I had no other choice.

“I'm worried now about how I'm going to tell the baby and how people will judge me if I have a baby in a situation like this. This will affect me for the rest of my life.

“Kirk will not play a role in the baby's life, but I am afraid to go out and wonder if he will be out and about trying to contact the baby. I don't want any contact with him at all.”

Wilding initially denied having an affair with the girl and only confessed when a DNA paternity test proved that he was the father of her child.

Sentencing him, Judge Abigail Hudson told him: “Your impact on this girl was devastating. Your behaviour was manipulative and controlling and will harm her for the rest of her life.”

“I have come to the conclusion that you are a pathological liar. You will say anything to avoid responsibility for your wrongdoing. You denied sexual misconduct until it was discovered that she was pregnant with your child. It was only when you were locked up that you stopped.

“I see from a report that you blame her, claiming she instigated all the sexual activity and you were unable to get rid of her. I cannot believe anything you are telling me, and you remain a significant risk of causing harm in the future.

“Unfortunately, she will always know that her little boy has a connection to you. It is the court's wish that she overcomes all the injustice done to her and is able to create a happy and stable home for herself and her son.

Father of two Kirk Wilding ignored a police request to stay away from the girl

Father of two Kirk Wilding ignored a police request to stay away from the girl

“She has been put in a very difficult position, especially for someone of her tender age. I just hope she gets all the support she may need.”

Previously, prosecutor Gavin Howie said Wilding began abusing the girl in June last year after befriending her mother.

“She began staying away from home and her relationship with her mother became strained,” he said.

“A referral was made to social services, but the girl was found at the defendant's address. This resulted in him being issued with a child abduction notice as her family did not consent to the defendant having contact with the girl.

“She had disappeared and was found by police at the defendant's house. He said he let her in because she was suicidal. He said he knew he should have contacted the police but he was concerned about her mental health.

“The girl and her mother later attended a party where the defendant was also a guest. The mother went home, but the girl stayed because it had been agreed that she would spend the night.

“The next morning, the host of the party found the defendant lying on top of the girl with nothing on underneath. He quickly turned over and pulled the blanket over her, but the witness concluded that they had sex and told them to leave.”

The incident was reported to the mother, but Wilding claimed the witness was a “liar.” The girl then disappeared again before returning home drunk with “hickeys” on her neck.

She denied having a boyfriend, but after her family alerted child welfare services, officials confiscated the teenager's underwear and sent them for forensic examination, where traces of Wilding's semen were found.

She later took a pregnancy test which came back positive. She then disappeared again and was found with Wilding. He was arrested shortly afterwards and the girl was found sleeping on his sofa.

In an interview he made no comment and when later asked if the two had a sexual relationship, he replied: “Oh God, no!”

The girl gave her statement at 29 weeks pregnant after DNA tests proved that Wilding was the father of her child.

She said Wilding behaved in a “controlling and ingratiating” manner toward her, watched her shower and threw tantrums in front of her.

Tom Watson, defending Wilding, said: “He has had plenty of time to reflect and is ashamed and embarrassed by his behaviour.”

Wilding was also ordered to sign the sex offenders' register and comply with the terms of an indefinite sexual violence prevention order.

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