
Stefan Raab returns to television with a new show: This is what viewers can expect

Stefan Raab returns to television with a new show: This is what viewers can expect

Cologne – The spectacular boxing match by Entertainer Stefan Raab (57) against Regina Halmich (47) was just the beginning: With several formats, the presenter wants to RTL will be making television entertainment again for at least five years. To start with, there will be a new weekly show called “You won’t win the million here with Stefan Raab”.

After a break of almost ten years, he is back in television entertainment: Stefan Raab (57) has signed a five-year contract with the Cologne-based private broadcaster RTL. © RTL / Raab Entertainment

According to Raab, the first “entertainment quiz competition hybrid” show on German television will be broadcast exclusively on the streaming platform RTL+ starting on Wednesday (September 18) at 8:10 p.m.

Raab says he will “do everything I can” in it. On the one hand, he will dissect the week's events for the audience and make jokes about them, similar to what he used to do on TV total. On the other hand, it will be a show in which previously applied candidates will compete against the entertainer in various quiz and sports games.

If the candidates, according to Raab, do “everything right”, they will win prize money of one million euros.

Stefan Raab announces new shows: This is how long he and RTL have been working together!
TV and shows
Stefan Raab announces new shows: This is how long he and RTL have been working together!

This show is produced by Stefan Raab's new entertainment production company. Raab's former “show intern” Elton (53) was hired as the presenter for the first three shows. According to RTL, changing guest presenters will then lead the show.

But that's not all: The new show “You won't win the million here with Stefan Raab” is only the starting signal for a whole series of other formats that the entertainer will be putting together for the Cologne-based private broadcaster over the next five years.

On Saturday evening, Stefan Raab, still visibly shaken by his boxing match against Regina Halmich (47), announced the new show format.

On Saturday evening, Stefan Raab, still visibly shaken by the boxing match against Regina Halmich (47), announced the new show format. © Screenshot: Instagram/RTLplus

RTL announced: “Various sensational primetime shows are planned, developed by Raab Entertainment, for which the multi-talented artist will step in front of the camera again at the end of the year.”

The first tickets for the show, which starts on Wednesday, are already available for pre-sale. In addition, an application portal for candidates has been set up.

Anyone who wants to watch the spectacle from home will need RTL+ access, at least for this show. However, it can be assumed that Raab will soon be seen not only on streaming, but also on traditional TV again.

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