
Boxing match at “The Perfect Dinner”! Participant punches guest

Boxing match at “The Perfect Dinner”! Participant punches guest

  1. Mannheim24
  2. Celebrity & Show

Candidate Shirin put all her strength into the punches. © Screenshot/RTL+/The perfect dinner

A participant in “The Perfect Dinner” in Stuttgart suddenly started beating up her fellow contestant. The others even cheered her on.

It is absolutely unusual for the candidates to beat each other up during the “perfect dinner”. The fact that the contestants sometimes don't quite agree and that there are sometimes discrepancies is just as much a part of the show as the different dishes. In episode 164, however, fists suddenly flew and the other guests had to take cover. “The Perfect Dinner” on Vox is always good for a surprise.

“The Perfect Dinner” in Stuttgart: Candidate strikes

It does happen that candidates try to cheat at the “dinner”, but generally very friendly and cheerful people live in Stuttgart. So the news that on the fifth day of the “perfect dinner” two candidates beat each other up was all the more surprising. They fought regularly in front of everyone and in the presence of the other guests. Candidate Shirin beats up her fellow contestant Manuel. And the others even cheer her on.

Daniel, who was hosting that day, was busy preparing dessert. His motto for the day was “Plan B” and he had already served tartare without beef, but instead salmon and potatoes as starters. The main course, entitled “Bacon makes you happy”, consisted of pork with potatoes and beans and seemed to have been well received. But the situation escalated before dessert.

Candidate on “The Perfect Dinner” in a heated exchange with another guest

Daniel, who as host was busy preparing the dessert and therefore had to start processing the strawberries, was unable to intervene. Perhaps it was the effect of one or two glasses of alcohol that led to the guests at the table coming up with somewhat unusual ideas. So Amelie simply told the group at the table that she had an idea. And it had nothing to do with a bad review.

The suggestion: You could do a boxing session. This may seem strange to an outsider, but the other candidates at the table also seem fascinated by the idea and agree. Silvia seems particularly taken with it. Candidate Manuel even has boxing gloves with him and explains that he had promised to bring them. Candidate Shirin, however, doesn't let herself be bitten twice.

Beating in Stuttgart – Shirin not only gives verbal blows

Days before, the guests had already talked about boxing. Manuel kept his promise and had to take a lot of punishment from his fellow candidate Shirin. They showed little restraint and shyness, but put all their strength into their punches. While Daniel was preparing the bedside table in the kitchen on his own and not with AI like others, the two boxers fought each other through the dining room. Silvana held back during the boxing match and left the field to her colleagues.

Fighting partner Manuel even claims to have discovered something in Shirin, as he summed up in his own words. “So they recognized talent, definitely,” he said about the boxing match, which fellow competitor Amelie described as the “final fight.” Both Shirin and Amelie are certain: “We would both finish Manuel off,” Amelie says. “Definitely,” Shirin confirms with conviction. Although boxing is of course a serious sport, the small sports facility provided plenty of laughs among all the participants.

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