
Sinn Féin will elect a new General Secretary at the upcoming Ardfheis – The Irish Times

Sinn Féin will elect a new General Secretary at the upcoming Ardfheis – The Irish Times

Sinn Féin will elect a new general secretary after the current holder of the post, long-time party activist Ken O'Connell, announced his intention to leave the post. Mr O'Connell, 68, told party members he would not take up his nomination for the post of Ardrúnaí at the Sinn Féin Ardfheis later this month.

He told the Irish Times his decision had nothing to do with Sinn Féin's recent fall in opinion polls. He was leaving the post because he was “not getting any younger”, it was “time for some new blood” and “I think change is good”. He said he hoped to take on a different role in the party.

O'Connell, who hails from County Wicklow, became involved full-time with Sinn Féin around the time of the hunger strikes in 1981. Prior to that, O'Connell served as the party's political director for the 26 counties for about a decade, where he has served as general secretary since 2020.

In a message to Sinn Féin members, he said he would give his “full support” to his successor, whoever is elected. He stressed that this was an “important moment for our party as we prepare for a general election across the 26 counties. This follows hot on the heels of our very successful and historic election in the North under Michelle O'Neill's leadership as 'First Minister for All'.

He urged Sinn Féin members to be “more active than ever” in the south ahead of the general election. He said the party had launched an “ambitious” housing plan and also set out its proposals for affordable childcare.

“I firmly believe that with Sinn Féin in governments in the north and south, and under Sinn Féin's President Mary Lou McDonald TD, we will see new leadership emerge for a new Ireland – a country that puts working people first, makes our society a better place to raise families, and unites our country in harmony and friendship.”

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