
Death drama about his great love

Death drama about his great love

Helmut Zierl: His first great love committed suicide

You never forget your first great love. No matter how many years ago it was. Actor Helmut Zierl (69) still thinks about the girl who really turned his head for the first time. The memories are not so pleasant, however. His great love, a Brazilian, was a follower of a missionary hippie sect and begged for money after being raped by the leader of the group. suicideTheir tragic fate still haunts the man from Schleswig-Holstein today. And he himself almost became a member of the so-called Jesus People As he revealed in the NDR program “DAS!” – out of love for her!

He almost joined the sect

Her suicide was such a traumatic experience that he decided to renounce the community. The same applies to the Drugswhich were a constant temptation during his hippie phase. At least the harder drug resistance he always resisted, says Zierl. And his parents did not abandon him after his unexpected return, as he had long feared: “I didn’t know if my parents would have me after my Expulsion from school and would resume after three months. “But they did.” As soon as he returned, he took his life into his own hands and followed his true calling, acting. But he was never able to completely put his traumatic experiences from his youth behind him – even today.

This article first appeared in the print edition of DIE NEUE FRAU. You can read more exciting star news in the current issue of DIE NEUE FRAU – available at kiosks every Wednesday.

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