
Online reports – Society – Allegation of sexual assault against Basel-Landschaft politician

Online reports – Society – Allegation of sexual assault against Basel-Landschaft politician

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Indignantly rejects allegations: Accused politician Samuel Wehrli, with daughter

Samuel Wehrli, member of the Basel-Landschaft CVP party leadership, speaks of “character assassination” and “coercive detention”

From Peter Knechtli

Basel-based CVP politician Samuel Wehrli was held in custody in Liestal for eight weeks. The reason: suspicion of sexual misconduct against his now 10-year-old daughter. The accused, who contacted OnlineReports, indignantly denies the allegations and speaks of “character assassination” and a “judicial affair”. The outcome of the case is still completely unclear.

As usual, Samuel Wehrli (38), who lives in Pratteln BL, was doing his job as a financial controller on Friday, January 7th, when the police picked him up from his workplace at 3:15 p.m. The reason: “sexual acts with children, rape and defilement.” Wehrli said he no longer understood the world: “I'm in the wrong movie.”

Samuel Wehrli is no stranger in the Basel region. In his hometown of Pratteln, he is the president of the CVP local council faction, and his twin brother is the current FDP local councilor. At the cantonal level, Samuel Wehrli is a member of the cantonal CVP party leadership, and as the initiator of the party, he organized the Ruth Metzler Festival in Pratteln last August. Some internal voices even want him to run for the position of successor to the Christian Democratic government councilor Elsbeth Schneider. Wehrli was at the head of the campaign team when she was re-elected last year, as well as in the National Council elections last autumn.

Report by ex-wife

Wehrli was reported by his former wife, who had divorced him in 1992 and lived with their daughter Melissa* in a municipality in the canton of Zurich.

According to the girl, who is now ten years old, the father has “attacked her genitals several times” since 1996 when exercising her visitation and vacation rights (as Liestal case manager Patrizia Krug stated in a document). Since the beginning of last year, he has also attempted several times to penetrate his daughter's vagina with his penis. “Once,” the allegation goes, “he succeeded.” He also molested the girl's anus with colored pencils and sent her sex photos.

The accused vigorously denies

The accused Wehrli, who has no previous convictions, categorically denies all allegations. In the presence of his father, he assured OnlineReports: “Nothing at all has happened.” However, what has been done to him in recent weeks is “character assassination, combined with the most serious threat to my psychological, social and economic existence,” he wrote to friends and acquaintances on Friday. It cannot be ruled out that the “unbelievable accusations” against his daughter came about with the support or manipulation of third parties.

The accusations that Wehrli makes against the investigating Liestal District Office are correspondingly serious: “It was coercive detention to extract a confession from me.” Despite the presumption of innocence, the person in charge of the case told him immediately after his arrest that he should immediately admit to the crimes he was accused of. A judicial officer is said to have remarked to Wehrli's father: “Your son will get years for what he did.”

Procedure “correctly managed”

Wehrli, released from prison on March 1 after eight weeks, had unsuccessfully protested against his imprisonment with several complaints. He also demanded the removal of the person in charge of the proceedings – the decision was taken by Governor Daniel Spichty. The proceedings were conducted “quickly and correctly”.

The statements in the reports available so far give different indications of suspicion. According to Wehrli, no incriminating material was found during the house search. On the fitted sheet in Melissa's bedroom, traces of father and daughter were found, but no sperm.

A gynecological report from the Zurich Children's Hospital describes changes in Melissa that “could be interpreted as the result of sexual assault,” but that alone are “not proof.” The hymen shows “no tears.”

Expert statements from the Basel Family and Parenting Counseling Service are clearer about how credibly the girl described the alleged sexual assaults in a video recording. According to the report, Melissa has proven to be a “capable witness whose statements show relevant and experience-based quality characteristics.”

“Not pleasing” for the CVP

Whether Samuel Wehrli is guilty or not is something the court will have to decide if the public prosecutor's office ever files charges. According to investigating judge Spychty, the files will be “transferred to the public prosecutor's office in one to two months.” Neither Spichty nor his case manager wanted to comment on the pending case.

Government councillor Elsbeth Schneider told OnlineReports that she valued Wehrli as a “valuable colleague in the party” but that she did not know him personally. While he was in custody, they wrote him a letter saying “If you need me, I'm here for you”, but she did not know that he was in the Liestal remand prison right next to their government headquarters. The sentence referred to her suspicion that Wehrli was in poor health. “The case is not good news for the party,” added CVP cantonal president René Merz, who respects the accused as a “very active party member” but does not consider him to be among the elite of hopefuls. Neither Schneider nor Merz wanted to or could comment on the case itself.

“This cannot be undone”

A psychiatric report is pending to determine Wehrli's sanity and also to answer whether he poses a threat to public safety. “Unbelievable!” the victim reacts. “What the investigating authorities did to me cannot be undone.”

There is a residents' council meeting in Pratteln on Monday. Samuel Wehrli will be attending.

* Name changed. (The defendant's full name is mentioned with his express consent.)

16 April 2000


I regret that the name of a suspect is written out in full. This is a new form of pillorying before sentencing. (April 16, 2000)

Angeline Fankhauser

I am very surprised that the accused man is named by his full name and political designation. Not that I want to condone the possible crime. But the case is obviously still under investigation. And in my opinion, this accusation in particular requires the greatest care. It is very difficult to ascertain the objective truth in such cases. The boundaries can also be blurred. But that is precisely why I believe that naming names before a court verdict is found guilty is very tricky. I will not defend anyone, nor will I trivialize the possible crime. But an article like this, naming names and offices, can ruin someone's life. In case of doubt, pro reo. (April 16, 2000)

Oliver Vischer

Since I know the background well, I understand Samuel Wehrli's motives for publishing his story. A person who has done nothing wrong is fighting for his dignity and reputation. (April 17, 2000)

Yvonne Meier

My twin brother Samuel did not start the serious accusations against him. I am convinced of his innocence, as well as of his strength and inner strength to get through this difficult time. (April 17, 2000)

Rolf Wehrli
Municipal Council FDP, Pratteln

Child abuse is the worst thing you can imagine. Anyone who does it should not be spared. But if a divorced wife were to make such a statement in order to perhaps take revenge in some way, she is no better than an actual perpetrator. I cannot or do not want to believe that Samuel Wehrli is capable of such an act. I hope for his sake that everything will be cleared up and turn out for the better. (April 17, 2000)

Beatrice Restle
Member of the CVP, Pratteln

In the case of my brother Samuel Wehrli, various people are unaware of the consequences of their actions and are overwhelmed. When Ms Patrizia Krug, a “relatively newly qualified” lawyer, is appointed as the head of proceedings in such a delicate situation, I wonder whether the superior is aware of its responsibility towards young professionals. Ms Krug may have good legal knowledge, but she certainly does not yet have the necessary maturity and life experience for this difficult matter. With that, you would have compiled the highly exonerating reports that led to my brother's release from prison in two weeks rather than eight. Perhaps it would be good for investigating officers to have to spend some time in their cells as part of their training in order to be aware of the consequences of their actions! (April 17, 2000)

Peter Wehrli

What astonishes me is the fact that a defendant is named without any “crime” being proven. The fact that Samuel Wehrli, with his express consent, wanted his full name to be mentioned actually shows that he is convinced of his innocence. If it turns out that this accusation is a late act of revenge by his ex-wife, the psychological stress must be enormous. In today's society in particular, it is very difficult to make a big fuss again, even after winning a mudslinging match. I hope for Samuel Wehrli that he will get through this difficult time without any health problems. (April 17, 2000)

peter swiss
Architect, Photographer, Human, Pratteln

While I understand Mr Wehrli's situation, I would like to remind you that it is the duty of our authorities to follow up on serious information of this kind, in the child's best interests. The whole campaign gives me the impression that the victim and the investigating authorities are being made into the perpetrators and Mr Wehrli is being made into the victim. It will be up to the court to judge guilt or innocence. All this media hype will certainly not help us find the truth. If Mr Wehrli cares so much about his child, then I find it incomprehensible that he has his picture taken with his daughter and quotes details from the reports.

Attila Balas
Engineer HTL, Liestal

I have known Samuel and his brother Rolf Wehrli for many years and also grew up in Pratteln. I am firmly convinced that these accusations are completely unfounded. The only bad thing is that even if he is acquitted – assuming he is ever charged – it will affect his whole life. That is exactly what his ex-wife wants and has achieved. It is always astonishing how much power women have with sex these days. I wish Samuel a lot of strength to get through this and hope that he knows that many people are behind him.

Franziska S. Castioni
Vancouver BC, Canada

The accusations have left me deeply saddened, but also raised countless questions. Sämi has been a friend of mine for years. In my opinion, he has always taken exemplary care of his daughter. The central topic of conversations that often lasted for hours was his concern for his daughter and his troubled relationship with his ex-wife. I cannot imagine, even with the best will in the world, that Sämi has done anything wrong. I wish him a lot of strength to prove his innocence and to be the best father to his daughter in the future.

Astrid van der Haegen

I have read Mr Wehrli's written statement. The whole story is very stressful for everyone. I hope that parents and daughter receive not only legal but also psychological support during this difficult time.

Konrad Stettbacher
Küsnacht ZH

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