
Attack on journalists by US congressional staff: Sam Pitroda calls India Today reporter and apologizes

Attack on journalists by US congressional staff: Sam Pitroda calls India Today reporter and apologizes

Indian Overseas Congress leader Sam Pitroda personally apologised to India Today journalist Rohit Sharma. The apology followed a recent incident in the United States in which members of Rahul Gandhi's team were involved in an attack on Sharma.

During the personal phone call, Pitroda expressed his deep disappointment over the “regrettable” incident and assured that steps would be taken to resolve the issue.

Pitroda even emphasized his commitment to press freedom and stressed that such attacks on journalists were unacceptable.

“I stand firmly for press freedom and will not tolerate any actions that undermine it,” Pitroda said. He also vowed to thoroughly investigate the case and identify and bring to justice those responsible for the incident.

Published by:

Rishabh Sharma

Published on:

15 September 2024

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