
Book tip: Antoine Laurain – In a dangerously gentle way – Book tip – Radio

Book tip: Antoine Laurain – In a dangerously gentle way – Book tip – Radio

What does critic Christine Westermann say?

The neighborhood stories are the core of the book, impressive in their diversity, each one has the makings of a novel within a novel, all of them dangerously gentle.

This is exactly what makes reading the novel so useful. It is light-hearted, yet has an unexpected depth, skilfully mixing drama and humor, and nothing seems out of place.

Something similar could happen in real life, but one story is interwoven with the others seemingly by chance. The author manages to create a really dangerously gentle ending that leaves everything open. For better or for worse.

Who is the book for?

For fans of French literature and for anyone who enjoys a fascinating psychological game.

The book at a glance:

Antoine Laurain
In a dangerously gentle way
208 pages
Publisher: Atlantik Verlag
Translation: Katrin Segerer
ISBN: 978-3-455-01744-1
Price: 23 euros
Category: Novel

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