
What is it like to caddy for Peyton Manning? His former WR has a story

What is it like to caddy for Peyton Manning? His former WR has a story

Last month, former NFL receiver Brandon Stokley caddyed for his former quarterback Peyton Manning at the BMW Championship Pro-Am in Colorado.

We hope it went better than last time.

Stokley, the two-time Super Bowl champion, was a guest on the latest episode of GOLF's Subpar podcast, recorded ahead of the start of the BMW Championship on August 22. In the episode, they talked about his upcoming round for Manning and also about his first job caddying with him several years ago, back at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

“I've never raked so many bunkers in my life,” Stokley said on the podcast. “The weather was absolutely terrible. I felt like I was playing receiver for him. He was yelling at me like he did on every other hole to get my rain gear, where's my umbrella, and then all of a sudden the sun came out and he threw the rain gear down. I'm about 50-70 yards behind trying to get it all together. I think it was [Phil] Mickelson behind us and I don't know how to rake bunkers properly. I'm thinking, oh my God, Mickelson is going to yell at me; I'm not raking this thing right. Peyton is yelling at me about the umbrella. It was a total disaster.”

On the last day they played Pebble Beach Golf Links and Stokley had a message for his friend and former quarterback.

“I told him on the last day, 'If you go in a damn bunker again, I'm out, I'm quitting, I'm done, I'm done,'” he said. “I was sick of raking bunkers.”

But is there a chance Stokley was exaggerating about the week? Subpar co-host Colt Knost texted Manning before the podcast to ask what Stokley would say about him.

“He's going to throw me under the bus for hitting in all those bunkers,” Manning told him.

You can listen to the full podcast below.

Josh Berhow

As managing editor of, Berhow handles the day-to-day and long-range planning of one of the sport's most widely read news and service websites. He spends most of his time writing, editing, planning and wondering if he'll ever break 80. Before joining in 2015, he worked at newspapers in Minnesota and Iowa. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University in Mankato, Minnesota, and lives in the Twin Cities with his wife and two children. He can be reached at [email protected].

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