
Student arrested for stabbing at Oakland High School

Student arrested for stabbing at Oakland High School

A student at a Rutherford County school was arrested Friday morning for stabbing another student, according to a school official.

Laramy Gregory told FOX 17 News that his son witnessed the stabbing. The stabbing happened just an arm's length away from him and he was shaken.

“(I remember) getting a text from him saying, 'I literally saw someone get stabbed in front of my eyes at school,'” he said.

According to his son, a sophomore at Oakland High School, the stabbing occurred in the hallway during a class change.

“He had what looked like a switchblade or some kind of pocket knife and he struck the boy hard,” Gregory said.

The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office (RCSO) said a school security officer (SRO) took the 15-year-old student into custody.

Students told FOX 17 News that this was due to a fight that occurred yesterday, but the school did not provide any more details in the statement released, calling it a “previous incident.”

“I'm worried about safety, the school has a bad reputation when it comes to fighting,” Gregory said.

He wonders if there is enough discipline at Oakland High School.

School principal John Marshall told parents in a message on Friday that the students “face severe disciplinary action.”

JC Bowman, CEO of Professional Educators of Tennessee, told FOX 17 News that students not only need discipline, but also better communication and student counseling.

“Make sure the kids get the help they need. We need to tackle things head-on and stop sweeping things under the rug,” Bowman said.

Some would say discipline is the key.

“I will always have this nagging feeling: Did the school do everything it was supposed to do?” Gregory said.

Fortunately, according to the school administration, the victim was not seriously injured. However, the 15-year-old was charged with aggravated assault and is in a youth detention center.

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