
Magna teenager fights for her life after “car surfing” accident

Magna teenager fights for her life after “car surfing” accident

MAGNA – A community is supporting a Magna teenager who was put into an induced coma after an “extremely frightening accident” while “car surfing.”

Officers and rescue crews were dispatched to Magna Regional Park around 9 p.m. Wednesday. Ava Broadhead was car surfing with a group of friends when she fell from the roof of the car and slammed onto the asphalt, said Sergeant Aymee Race of the Unified Police.

“It happens to all teenagers, they get peer pressured,” said Kandis George, Ava's mother. “They know it's not smart!”

Race said carsurfing involves a person clinging to the roof of a moving vehicle and the vehicle making sharp turns.

“I'm sure he thought, 'Hey! We should do this, that would be fun,' rather than, 'Oh wait, what if I fly off this car? All of these things are going to stop in my life because they seem fun in the moment,'” George said.

Ava was hospitalized in critical condition with a traumatic brain injury, Race said.

According to her mother and her school's drill team, who shared the news on social media in the days that followed, Ava underwent surgery and was medically placed in an induced coma.

“Please pray for our Ava who was in a most horrific accident last night,” the Cyprus High School drill team said on social media. “Please send all your love and prayers to her and her family. We are thinking of you, Ava.”

Although it is difficult for the family to cope, they are clinging to the news that she has been fine since Friday.

“I want to raise awareness because my smart, vibrant girl is fighting for her life,” George said.

George said she wanted to share Ava's story to get support in her recovery and to raise awareness about the dangers of car surfing.

“I posted her story on social media and got thousands of messages on Instagram and Facebook,” George said. “Many of them were just, 'Thank you for sharing your story.' 'I didn't know something like this existed.'”

Ava Broadhead, a teenager from Magna, was seriously injured when she fell from the roof of a car while car surfing, police said. The community around her is rallying to support her and her family. (Photo: Family photo)

After George told Ava's story, he received messages saying that members of her family had been injured while car surfing.

“(Teens need to know) that it's not always cool to do these things and that it's OK to say no to something dangerous like car surfing,” George said.

According to George, she had been looking forward to dancing on the drill team her sophomore year, and on Saturday she was scheduled to perform at the homecoming football game, for which she had just found a dress.

In an update Friday, George said doctors were working to keep Ava's body temperature stable and reduce swelling on her brain. Doctors told Ava's family they expect her recovery to worsen before she gets better.

“If she makes it, she will be in a coma for a week or two, then at least a month in the hospital and several months in rehab,” George said. “Please send healing light and prayers to my sweet Ava. Ava, I promise to appreciate you a little more forever.”

On social media, videos of similar stunts mostly show teenagers, some even on trains. They are unaware of the danger. In Colorado, a teenage driver was charged with negligent homicide. In Maryland, a young girl died while train surfing. A parent is reportedly taking action and suing TikTok. The platform now appears to be restricting access to these videos.

“The worst,” said George. “I wouldn't wish this on anyone. My heart is broken into a thousand pieces. She's such a lively girl.”

There is a law in Utah that can hold car surfers accountable. This law prohibits driving or riding in any part of the vehicle that is not intended for passenger use.

“It keeps happening. They keep getting the same injuries, these traumatic brain injuries. And we need to do something,” George said. “We need to raise awareness because it doesn't stop. These kids think it's funny. It was in 'Teen Wolf' and Hollywood has glamorized it.”

To provide financial support to Ava's family in this time of need, a GoFundMe* account has been set up.

* does not guarantee that funds deposited into the account will be used for the benefit of the persons named as beneficiaries. If you are considering depositing funds into the account, you should consult your own advisors and otherwise proceed at your own risk.

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