
From Drama to Fun Night

From Drama to Fun Night

Hamburg/Augsburg – First drama, then fun! Reality TV starlets Patricia Blanco (53, “Celebrity Big Brother”, “The 50”) experienced a day with numerous ups and downs.

Patricia Blanco (53) started the day by taxi and train. © Photomontage: Screenshot/Instagram/patriciablancoofficial (2)

First, the 53-year-old daughter of pop singer Roberto Blanco (87) contacted her fans on an Instagram story from a taxi. “I've never missed anything in my life, a train or anything like that,” Blanco began. “It just happened to me today.”

She was under a certain amount of time pressure, as she said she was on her way to Munich for an event. “And Munich isn't just around the corner, friends,” she knew.

When they arrived at the station, Deutsche Bahn was accommodating and simply rebooked the reality TV star's ticket. This meant that Blanco could take a later train and still attend the event.

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She posted several videos of this during the course of the evening, including her colleague Guilia Siegel (49). But that wasn't all.

Blanco had obviously grabbed a male companion at the party and taken him to her hotel room. At least that was what the following stories said, in which a first-class conversation developed.

Afterwards, the 53-year-old former canoeist Christos Tsakmakis (37) took a closer look.

Then the 53-year-old former canoeist Christos Tsakmakis (37) took a closer look. © Photomontage: Screenshot/Instagram/patriciablancoofficial (2)

“Hello guys, we're here now in… Where are we?” she asked Christos Tsakmakis (37), who was linked and was holding a wine glass in his hand. His answer: “Yes, where are we. We're definitely in Augsburg.” Blanco had obviously not been able to remember what the guy does for a living. “What are you, Olympia?” was her question and was simply answered as “Olympic participant.”

The 53-year-old wanted to know more. “Olympic participant, what do you do at the Olympics?” Tsakmakis reported that he took part in the Olympic Games three times in a canoe. “Canoeing is difficult, isn't it?” Blanco then wanted to know. “Yes, but I like white water,” the athlete replied, while both of them started to laugh.

For Blanco, this was the point to look at her life: “I always swim against the current, maybe he can be my coach.” And again, laughter echoed into the camera.

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In the next story, the wine glass was long since empty and history, Blanco appeared naked in bed, covered only by a blanket. What was striking was that while her hands were clearly visible, another had her breasts in full grip. When the camera panned back, Tsakmakis was clearly visible again. The “good night, my love,” which the trash actress said, was not yet meant for the two of them.

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