
How to consistently prevent water damage

How to consistently prevent water damage

An article by Bernhard Klabe, owner of MiBB Versicherungsmakler e. K.

Water damage in the house caused by defective pipes is unfortunately commonplace in this country. Insurers know that a large proportion of claims settlements are for damage caused by tap water. But that sounds easier than it often is: if there is water damage in my house, I quickly call my insurance company and they will sort it out. That is true, but it is often overlooked that repairs and renovations can take quite a long time. After such an incident, a house is often uninhabitable for months or even years. And what happens then? Where are you supposed to live in the meantime? And who paid for all of this?

The brokerage firm MiBB Versicherungsmakler e. K. und Maklerverbund (MiBB) is familiar with such cases from practice. What if hidden water damage gradually leads to a total loss? The usual coverage on the market for so-called hotel costs (if the insured house is uninhabitable) is 100 euros per day, but only for one or two years at the most. That's actually not that much when you consider that a new building is usually not possible in that time. Depending on the size of the house, the amount of inventory and the number of family members, this can be quite expensive. MiBB therefore recommends a sum of 5,000 to 8,000 euros per month for up to three years. Hopefully this will cover any possible inflation over the next few years.

Prevent damage from the outset – with the sensor from GROHE

But one thing is also clear: no homeowner wants to be in this situation. It is always better to rule out such damage from the outset, so it's fine. But how? This is actually possible with the GROHE Sense water safety system. Even in less catastrophic scenarios and less water damage, stress and nerve-wracking renovation phases are guaranteed. The excitement and inconvenience that result make for less pleasant times – and no one can replace them. Having to temporarily move to alternative accommodation, having to buy new furniture and valuable household goods – who wants that? Insurance companies therefore assess their customers for precautionary measures, for example with a smart water safety system.

I equipped my house with the Sense Guard myself. And even though the device has triggered a false alarm in my house before, for example when the washing machine and dishwasher were running at the same time, I am convinced of the solution. Another plus point: the system learns quickly. Every homeowner would certainly agree: it's better that way than risking an uncontrolled water leak. The Sense Guard can be activated using an app or by pressing a button on the device – an easy exercise that can protect you from nasty surprises. And these can happen quickly if a washing machine hose bursts or a dishwasher is broken, or worse: if water pipes in the wall start to leak unnoticed.

How does Sense Guard work?

By proactively detecting leaks and automatically shutting off the supply, water damage is prevented or detected earlier. The GROHE Sense water safety system consists of the Sense water sensor, the Sense Guard water control and the GROHE Sense app.

The Sense Guard constantly measures water pressure, water flow and temperature. It has an algorithm to detect unusually high water consumption. If the sensor detects a leak, the water supply is automatically shut off. The intelligent water control measures the temperature and detects the risk of frost, measures the humidity and detects flooding.

The GROHE Sense app provides an overview of all devices and their current status. They send notifications and warnings, inform you about water consumption and water costs, and help you turn the water on and off remotely.

GROHE Sense quickly detects small leaks in the water pipe in the wall, as well as leaky or incorrect connections, defective valves or leaky sewage pipes. This can prevent major damage such as damp walls, mold or swollen wooden floors.

An exciting combination for insurance brokers

Water damage always means a lot of stress for everyone. Disputes and appointments with insurers, landlords and tradesmen are time-consuming. A bathroom that was out of service for months, for example, caused construction noise and dirt, and additional costs were stressful.

Since GROHE Sense technology detects even the smallest irregularities, major damage is unlikely to occur. If an unusually high consumption is noticed, the water supply can be stopped as quickly as possible. The repair is usually much smaller, and drying is often enough. In a solid house, the amount of damage could be reduced by around 1,000 to 2,000 euros if no more floor or painting work is required.

There are good reasons for insurance brokers to address the issue of “water damage in the home”. To explain, here are a few statistics: 54% of households have already suffered water damage from the water supply. In concrete terms, this means that, for example, there were 1.2 million cases of tap water damage across Germany in 2021. The good news is that 52% of water damage can be avoided – if you take appropriate precautions.

As a broker, you want to offer your clients the best conditions. When it comes to water damage prevention, the best way to do this is with a combination policy from MiBB. Brokers who are interested in this are welcome to get in touch to find out more. Decades of experience and trusting cooperation with insurers are what set MiBB apart. Brokers who work with MiBB can only benefit from this. Due to the brokerage firm's expertise and excellent network in the area of ​​plumbing/heating/gas/water companies, they receive special conditions that are unusual on the market for this sector.

A highlight of the combined policy at MiBB is that homeowners can get the GROHE system worth around 1,000 euros at no additional cost. Agents can also ask MiBB about broker discounts for the combined policy.

You can also read this article in AssCompact 09/2024 and in our ePaper.

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