
Dead-end sign to ensure peace and quiet

Dead-end sign to ensure peace and quiet

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No way through for drivers: For reasons of traffic calming, as announced, Huberbergstrasse itself will now become a dead end. © Hacker

It was unanimously decided that Huberbergstrasse in Hausham should be designated as a dead end street. This will guarantee less traffic for residents.

Hausham – As part of the development planning for the new development areas on Abwinkelbachstrasse in Hausham, residents were promised that Huberbergstrasse would be designated as a dead end for motorists. The building and environment committee has now unanimously decided on this.

“The satnavs are merciless these days,” said Mayor Jens Zangenfeind about the reason for the closure. The aim is to prevent a new shortcut from opening up on the relatively narrow road and causing inconvenience to residents.

Unanimous decision in Hausham: Dead-end sign to ensure peace and quiet

According to the meeting agenda, a hearing with the Miesbach police station and the road construction authority did not take place, as this traffic planning was already apparent in the course of the development plan procedure.

As Martin Baier from the building authority explained, the closure will start at house number 15 and will probably be implemented with two offset wings. If necessary, these wings can be quickly folded to the side for rescue and winter services as well as for waste disposal. With this design, pedestrians and cyclists can continue to cross the street in both directions. The committee also unanimously decided that this should be the case. Helmut Hacker

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