
Headmaster of a Chinese kindergarten fired for accepting chocolate from a student as a gift

Headmaster of a Chinese kindergarten fired for accepting chocolate from a student as a gift

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The principal sued the school.

The kindergarten claimed that the headmistress had violated a regulation of the Ministry of Education.

In our formative years, the person we often have the closest bond with after our parents is our favourite teacher. Therefore, on Teachers' Day, children often compete to present gifts to their teachers as a sign of appreciation and affection. Teachers too appreciate such gestures from their students. A similar incident took place on Teachers' Day in neighbouring China, where a disturbing incident occurred involving a kindergarten principal. Something as mundane as accepting a Teachers' Day gift from a child cost a teacher dearly. This was the case with a teacher who lost her job over a chocolate worth 60 rupees. In China, kindergarten principal Wang was fired for accepting a small box of chocolates worth about 60 rupees in Indian currency from a student. The incident, which took place at Sanxia Kindergarten in Chongqing, prompted Wang to take legal action against her former employer after she was fired in September last year. Surveillance footage showed the boy handing the chocolate to Wang, who accepted it and hugged him. She later shared the chocolate with other children at the kindergarten.

Wang was informed by the kindergarten that her dismissal was due to her accepting a gift from a student. The kindergarten claimed that Wang had violated a Ministry of Education regulation that prohibits teachers from requesting or accepting gifts or money from students or their parents.

Wang then filed a lawsuit with the Jiulongpo District People's Court. During the initial hearing, the school's defense argued that accepting the gift, regardless of its value, violated the Ministry of Education's regulations and had a negative impact on the kindergarten. The court ruled in March that Wang's dismissal from the kindergarten was illegal. It found that the chocolate was given by the student out of affection and respect and that Wang's acceptance did not violate the regulations. The court ordered the kindergarten to pay Wang compensation.

The kindergarten appealed the court's decision, but in August, after a second hearing, the Chongqing No. 5 Intermediate People's Court upheld the original verdict. Wang's dismissal became a hot topic on mainland social media, reaching 7.2 million views on Douyin, with users unanimously supporting the teacher.

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