
NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban resigns amid federal investigation – NBC New York

NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban resigns amid federal investigation – NBC New York

NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban resigned Thursday from his post at the head of the nation's largest police department amid a federal investigation into enforcement of nightclub laws, according to a memo obtained by News 4.

“My full focus must be on the NYPD – the department I deeply admire and to which I have dedicated my career,” he said in a statement. “However, the noise surrounding recent developments has made that impossible and has hindered the important work our city needs. I have therefore decided it is in the best interest of the department that I resign from my position as Commissioner.”

“After 30 years of service to this city, I have immense respect and gratitude for its brave officers and must put their interests above my own,” he added. “I firmly believe in the critical role of leaders with integrity who demonstrate by example every day the difference between right and wrong. I will continue to fully cooperate with the ongoing investigation.”

Caban, who was appointed to the post in July 2023, was the first Latino to serve as commissioner in the NYPD's 179-year history. It was not immediately clear when the resignation would take effect.

This means Mayor Eric Adams will have his third police commissioner in less than three years.

This development comes days after News 4 reported that the IRS Criminal Investigation Division had joined the investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

Adams said at an afternoon briefing that he had accepted the resignation and wished Caban well. He also said his administration, rocked by a series of investigations, remained focused on running the city. He announced Tom Donlon, who has extensive experience in law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels, as interim president.

Earlier this week, Adams declined to comment on whether Caban had been banned from communicating with federal authorities who work closely with the NYPD.

This development comes days after News 4 reported that the IRS Criminal Investigation Division had joined the investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

At least one phone belonging to Caban was among several that the SDNY and IRS seized from several NYPD officers. The phone of his twin brother, who owns a nightclub security company, was also seized as part of the corruption investigation.

Multiple sources told NBC that New York federal investigators are looking to determine whether James Caban profited from his ties to his powerful brother and the NYPD. Specifically, they are looking into whether James Caban was paid by bars and clubs in Midtown and Queens to act as a police liaison, and whether those clubs then received special treatment from local police departments, the sources said.

SDNY and IRS have seized the cell phones of numerous NYPD officers, including at least one phone belonging to Commissioner Edward Caban, News 4's Melissa Russo reports.

Other questions being investigated, according to the sources, include whether officials were asked to take tougher action against clubs that did not have business dealings with the commissioner's brother, or whether officials who were complicit in the potential plot were promoted.

An NYPD spokesman said the department was aware of the investigation and was fully cooperating.

No charges were brought against anyone.

In a joint statement Thursday, Caban's lawyers praised his legacy as a public servant.

“Commissioner Caban is an accomplished public servant who has dedicated his life to keeping the people of this great city safe and has an unwavering respect for the women and men of the New York Police Department,” said Russell Capone and Rebekah Donaleski, partners at Cooley LLP, in a statement. “We have been informed by the government that he is not the subject of any investigation by the Southern District of New York, and he expects to fully cooperate with the government.”

News 4 left several messages for James Caban on his phone and with a family member after the initial report on the investigation. They were not returned.

More questions are being raised around NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban's twin brother, who is allegedly profiting from the use of police department resources. This is one of three investigations underway at NYPD headquarters and City Hall as the FBI and federal prosecutors focus on possible corruption cases involving high-ranking aides to Mayor Eric Adams, NBC New York's Jonathan Dienst reports.

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