
TV shows: “Lights Out” – New show with celebrities in the dark

TV shows: “Lights Out” – New show with celebrities in the dark

The new challenge of the show “Lights Out” is already given away by its name: Eight celebrities are to spend 120 hours in absolute darkness. The show with six planned episodes will not start on the streaming portal Prime Video until October 31st – but the celebrity guests have already been announced.

Also present: singer and entertainer Pietro Lombardi, TV presenter Jeannine Michaelsen and presenter Jochen Schropp, stand-up comedian Timur Turga, actress Luna Schweiger, comedian Negah Amiri, model Gloria Burkandt and actor Gedeon Burkhard. Turga, as he informs on his website, quickly goes blind.

The show is hosted by Steven Gätjen, and psychologist Sandra Sangsari is also reportedly present in the so-called control room.

The participants will then face challenges in the dark – some tests and tasks are planned. “Even the simplest moments, like bringing a spoon to your mouth, become a challenge in the dark,” it was said.

Spectators will be able to follow the action through an infrared and night vision camera. Anyone who survives the six days and five nights will have a chance of winning a trophy. The show is reportedly an adaptation of the British reality show “Scared of the Dark.”

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