
World Happiness Report: What is happiness and how do you measure it?

World Happiness Report: What is happiness and how do you measure it?

Numerous happiness atlases suggest that we know what happiness is and that we can measure it. However, researching this vaunted feeling is complicated and prone to error. Even the price of a coin can brighten our view of our lives in the short term. After all, it has been scientifically proven that what makes us happy in the long term

Finland. Finland again. As in the past six years, the northern European country is number one in the current “World Happiness Report” from March. Nowhere do people feel happier than here. But the happiness rate is also high in the following countries, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden. The USA is in 23rd place, Germany in 24th. At the bottom of the list in 147th place is troubled Afghanistan: being poor and feeling oppressed on top of that does not generate positive feelings.

But what is happiness anyway? And how can it be measured?

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