
Cardiff: Denis Coles arrested 50 years after raping 11-year-old girl

Cardiff: Denis Coles arrested 50 years after raping 11-year-old girl

After the case, the victim said she was “blown away” that police had finally caught her attacker after all these years.

“Anyone who thinks they got away with something can tell themselves: DNA and technology are absolutely amazing these days,” she said.

She added that while she understood why Coles could not be convicted, she felt the verdict did not give her justice.

“I expected nothing more than to tell you the truth, but I don't think I deserve justice.”

She said the fact-finding hearing had meant “reliving a nightmare” for her, but now it meant she was looking forward to a “bright” future.

“I just keep going. That's what you have to do… I'm a stronger person, thank God.”

Judge Lloyd-Clarke said that semen found on video footage of the victim's clothing was compared with the defendant's DNA and that “the probability of a match is at least one in a billion”.

She added: “There is no doubt that if the defendant had been fit to stand trial at his age, he would have received a very long prison sentence.”

“There can be nothing but considerable sympathy for [the victim]she became the victim of a terrible crime at a very young age.”

When she handed Coles the supervision order, she said: “I have taken into account that there are other people living and working in the care home and that there may be children present visiting other residents.”

“I am therefore convinced that the defendant requires supervision by the probation service.”

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