
Jon Bon Jovi saves woman from a bridge

Jon Bon Jovi saves woman from a bridge

Singer Jon Bon Jovi spoke kindly to a woman who was close to suicide on the edge of a bridge – and was ultimately able to save her.

Rock legend Jon Bon Jovi has received praise from police. He is said to have helped a woman in distress on Tuesday evening in Nashville, Tennessee. They are standing on the ledge of a bridge, on the wrong side of the railing. The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department released a video of the Bon Jovi front singer and his team, all on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge over the Cumberland River.

In it, you can see the singer and another person from the team approaching the woman, Bon Jovi throwing himself onto the railing and starting to talk to her. Other people walk past, the rest of his team keeps a few meters away.

Praise from the police

After about a minute, Bon Jovi and his assistant, according to US media reports, help the woman back over the railing to safe ground. The woman hugs Bon Jovi, then the recording ends. According to media reports, the singer left the bridge together with the woman.

The Metro Nashville Police Department shared the video on social media, praising the singer and his team: “Kudos to Jon Bon Jovi and his team for assisting a woman on the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge on Tuesday night.”

It is believed that Jon Bon Jovi was on the bridge to shoot a music video. This is certainly what material from social networks suggests. (Red.)

Help with suicide risk

There are a number of support facilities and contact points for people in acute crisis situations. Emergency numbers and first aid for suicidal thoughts can be found at

Telephone assistance is also available from:

Crisis Intervention Center (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm): 01/406 95 95,
Advice and help in case of suicide risk 0810/97 71 55
Emergency psychiatric care (0-24 hours): 01/313 30
Social psychiatric emergency service 01/310 87 79
Telephone counseling (0-24 hours, free of charge): 142
Rat on wire (0-24 hours, for children & young people): 147
Conversation and behavior tips:

The relatively new association “Stay with us” also offers help for people with suicidal thoughts and their relatives.

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