
Fire drama in Lüdenscheid: CVJM recreation center in flames

Fire drama in Lüdenscheid: CVJM recreation center in flames

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Flames are blazing from the building of the CVJM Audrey's. The fire brigade extinguished the fire during the night, using a turntable ladder among other things. © Merkert, Marcel

Fire drama in Lüdenscheid: During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the CVJM's youth and leisure center Audrey's burned down. The street Im Olpendahl is still closed.

Lüdenscheid – A major operation for the Lüdenscheid fire brigade in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. At around 1.20 a.m., the fire brigade was alerted with a large contingent to the street Im Olpendahl. There, the youth and leisure centre Audrey's of the Christian Association of Young People (YMCA) was on fire.

When the first emergency services arrived at the scene, the building was ablaze, with smoke, fumes and flames billowing out of the roof. The fire brigade immediately began fighting the fire and the operation is still ongoing.

Support from Halver

The Halver fire department was called in at 3:49 a.m. with the local fire brigade and was subsequently on site to provide support. The Halver fire department alone is in Olpendahl with a total of 24 firefighters and five vehicles. In addition to other equipment, the Halver fire department is providing a rescue platform, among other things.

The youth and leisure center was in flames during the night from Wednesday to Thursday.
The youth and leisure center was in flames during the night from Wednesday to Thursday. © Merkert, Marcel

How the devastating fire came about is still completely unclear, as a police spokesman told the editorial team when asked. “We know so far that both the building and trailers that were parked in front of the building were subsequently burned.” “The investigations could still go in all directions,” said the police spokesman.

Fire investigators will begin work during the day

The criminal investigation department was on site with its first forces during the night to inspect the building. As soon as the fire department's operation is complete and the green light is given to enter the fire scene, the specially trained fire investigators will also begin their work.

Firefighting attack from high above: The fire brigade has been in action in Olpendahl for hours.
Firefighting from a great height: The fire brigade has been working in Olpendahl for hours. © Merkert, Marcel

After the fire brigade had temporarily cordoned off the street Im Olpendahl during the night, the police have been back on site since around 7:30 a.m. “We were called in by the fire brigade because some road users did not respect the cordons.” “That's why we are now directing traffic on site,” said the police spokesman. It is currently unclear how long the street Im Olpendahl will remain closed.

No full-day care

The city of Lünscheid has already announced via its social networks that there will be no open all-day care at Audrey's today. Further information will follow directly from the OGS during the course of the day.

We will continue to report.

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