
Russia reacts to TV debate between Trump and Harris: “Nothing but a show”

Russia reacts to TV debate between Trump and Harris: “Nothing but a show”

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The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman tried to appear indifferent, but got caught up in whataboutism and strange comparisons.

Moscow – Putin is a “dictator who would eat you for lunch” – with this statement from the TV debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate attacked not only her opponents, but also the Kremlin. The head of the press office of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, was in an interview with the state broadcaster Radio Sputnik little touched – and talks about nothing else for an hour.

The press spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova (left), is happy to share. © Sergei Bulkin/IMAGO/ITAR-TASS | Brian Cahn/IMAGO/ZUMA Press Wire

Kremlin spokeswoman compares USA to sinking ship

“I tell you quite honestly and openly: I do not know why you [die Debatte – Anm. d. Red.] consider it to be an important message”. The TV debate was “nothing but a show by people who take no responsibility for their words”. When asked who she thought had won after the debate, Zakharova replied that the USA was like the Titanic. Whether anyone won anything there or not was meaningless in view of the fact that the ship was about to sink. She added: “You should first sweep under your own carpet in Afghanistan, Iraq.” At least ask yourselves: 'Have we managed to achieve anything anywhere without getting bloodied?'”

Published on its international website sputnik Also excerpts from an interview with the controversial American psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, who calls herself “America’s therapist” on X. Lieberman described the debate to sputnik as “extremely disturbing” and discovered that Harris was suffering from what is known as imposter syndrome. Harris knows that she is not qualified enough for her positions and that “Biden only made her his vice president because she is a 'woman of color'.” Imposter syndrome is usually spoken of when a person doubts their own successes and achievements – even though these are recognized by society.

Vladimir Putin: Kamala Harris' laughter is “expressive and contagious”

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his support for Kamala Harris at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. “Her laugh is so expressive and infectious – that can only mean that she is doing well,” Putin said with a wink. His press secretary Dmitry Peskov also showed renewed enthusiasm for the Democratic candidate. In response to a reporter's question, he replied: “I like it now!” Every one of us should fall in love with her laughter.” Maria Zakharova, on the other hand, called the Democrat's joy “depressing” and a “sign that something is wrong.” (Uh)

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