
“Parents’ taxi” with grandma at the wheel crashes into another car

“Parents’ taxi” with grandma at the wheel crashes into another car

The first day of school at a primary school in Jettingen-Scheppach began with an accident. Even police officers could not prevent the crash.

An accident occurred in front of the primary school in Jettingen-Scheppach on Tuesday morning. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Accident in front of elementary school: car rolls down the street

According to the police, a 64-year-old driver wanted to take her granddaughter to school at around 7:50 a.m. However, since the woman was stopped in a no-parking zone, two police officers on duty at school asked her to park somewhere else. However, the woman did not comply and even got out of the car. The problem: When she got out, the woman forgot to put on the handbrake. The vehicle then rolled down the sloping road.

Police chase car: collision ends journey

The 64-year-olds still managed to get into the moving vehicle. Although the police ran alongside the car and gave the woman several instructions, the 64-year-old was unable to stop the car. The unintentional journey finally ended after about 30 meters. There the vehicle crashed into a waiting car belonging to a 33-year-old woman.

According to the police, both drivers were uninjured in the incident. However, the material damage amounts to around 6,500 euros.

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