
WCC meets Kerala Chief Minister and calls on government to be sensitive to women who spoke before Hema Committee

WCC meets Kerala Chief Minister and calls on government to be sensitive to women who spoke before Hema Committee

The WCC has also requested the Prime Minister to bring the Malayalam film industry under the ambit of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act (POSH).

Following the WCC's earlier attempts, including legal action, Internal Committees (ICs) under the POSH Act have become mandatory on every film set. According to the court ruling, every film production must have a sexual harassment complaint cell and no film can be registered without a certificate of setting up such a cell.

Only a 27-member monitoring committee has been formed comprising members of various film organisations and headed by the Kerala Film Chamber of Commerce. The WCC has requested that this committee be reconstituted as a statutory committee with a woman president and predominantly women members as required by the POSH Act.

The WCC welcomed the government's initiative to promote women filmmakers under a project of the Kerala State Film Development Corporation and urged the continuation of the project with larger resources and the involvement of women in every stage of production.

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