
1 in 8 women with a joint mortgage have been victims of financial abuse

1 in 8 women with a joint mortgage have been victims of financial abuse

One in eight women in the UK who had a joint mortgage in the last two years have been abused by a current or former partner using their joint mortgage loan, according to a report by the charity Surviving Economic Abuse.

The report, ‘Locked into a mortgage, locked out of my home’, funded by the abrdn Financial Fairness Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, reported that 750,000 people have fallen victim to collective economic abuse of mortgage loans.

It states that perpetrators cause economic harm by refusing to pay their agreed share of the mortgage, agree to new terms or sell.

This mortgage-based abuse lures surviving victims into the traps of dangerous abusers, while those who escape are driven into housing insecurity and debt due to ongoing economic abuse.

I and my children remain trapped in a mortgage prison from which there is no escape

Sam Smethers, interim CEO of Surviving Economic Abuse, said: “Mortgage abuse is a hidden crime that is destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of survivors.

“Currently, abusers who use family violence to inflict economic harm on joint mortgages by refusing to pay their agreed share, agree to new terms or sell.

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