The citizen investigating judges have gathered for a rendezvous with the man on the scene.

E Méindeg shortly no 18 Except d'Police issued a tight warning, at the room Betteng on the Mess / Schoolr keng person mam car matzehuelen. That man's face was gouf, hei hei was broken on a car. The suspicion was gradual and soon ended back on the parquet floor. Here has a dënshdeg de Moie Rendez-vous virum investigative judge.

Closely with Stonnen, a man who had arrested him, a police officer and an official of the Strooss family Hesper melled. When the policemen gathered, they were killed by two policemen – that was hell from the Hondsstaffel. D'Abriecher went to court on the night before the examining magistrates.

Around Méindeg gouf and ee man arrested no Abréch an e Restaurant and an ee Café on Rue de Macher to Réimech. The war was led by officials who were at the top.