
You can find these signs practically everywhere

You can find these signs practically everywhere

You will find small, colored signs on the side of the road or on the garden fence. Hardly anyone knows the messages behind them. We'll tell you how to decipher them.

We have all seen them before and yet we often do not know what the signs mean. Each color stands for a different medium and of course the numbers and letters on the small signs also have their meaning. The blue, green, yellow and red signs indicate supply lines. Below we will show you what the individual signs stand for.

The color scheme of the signs

Blue signs show where the water pipes run in the local supply network. These pipes usually carry fresh water.

Blue signs mark the route of the water pipes.
Blue signs mark the route of the water pipes. (© IMAGO / Lobeca)

Green boards are less common. They mark the course of overpressure and underpressure systems through which wastewater flows. However, normal sewerage systems, in which no special pressure conditions exist, are not marked with these green signs.

Green signs indicate sewage systems under pressure.Green signs indicate sewage systems under pressure.
Green signs show sewage systems under pressure. (© IMAGO / mix1)

A yellow sign marks the underground course of a natural gas or natural gas pipeline, while a red board refers to a district heating pipeline.

A long-distance gas pipeline runs here.A long-distance gas pipeline runs here.
A long-distance gas pipeline runs here. (© IMAGO / Manngold)

Important for the fire brigade are the white boards with red frameThey are small signposts that guide the helpers to the nearest fire hydrant or fire pond. There the fire brigade can tap water for extinguishing the fire.

Firefighters follow this sign to quickly find fire-fighting water.Firefighters follow this sign to quickly find fire-fighting water.
Firefighters follow this sign to quickly find fire-fighting water. (© IMAGO / blickwinkel)

What do the letters and numbers mean?

As you can see in our example images, the colored plates have a T-like symbol as well as various letters and numbers. These provide further information about the marked line. If you know what you're doing, you'll quickly find the line you're looking for.

  • Above the T you will find information about the fitting and the Inside the supply line. For example, an H stands for hydrant.
  • In the field to the left or right below the horizontal line is the Distance in meters indicates the distance the connection is located to the left or right.
  • The number in the middle below also indicates the Distance to the next connection when you go forward.

Depending on the specific line, additional information about valves, pressure or other details may be provided on the plate. In some cases, the operator's telephone number is also provided on the plate so that they can be contacted in the event of a fault.

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