
Tractor accident requires extensive rescue operation! – Nachrichten AG

Tractor accident requires extensive rescue operation! – Nachrichten AG

Hattingen (ots)

Pure drama in the forest of Elfringhausen! A tractor loaded with a person careens off a narrow path and falls about 50 meters down a steep slope. Luckily, despite the brutal descent, the vehicle stays on its wheels – right in front of a tree! But the shock is deep, because the driver has been injured and is lying helpless on the ground. The clock is ticking!

The unfortunate man has to wait alone in the forest for two long hours, while his cries for help go unheeded. Eventually he manages to free himself from the damaged tractor and draw attention to himself. But it feels like an eternity before the rescue team arrives!

Rescue team on alert

The situation is serious: the rescue train from the fire and rescue station and the Elfringhausen fire brigade are immediately alerted. The rescue service and the emergency doctor are also dispatched to save the injured man's life! But the scene of the incident is difficult to reach, hidden in the thick forest.

The Elfringhausen fire brigade quickly drives to the scene of the accident. Support troops gather outside the impassable area. The first aid for the driver is immediately on the agenda. The patient team is ordered into the forest area with a special stretcher made for such operations. A mammoth task that requires precision!

The medical staff treats the injured person immediately, then transport to a safe location is prepared. More than 10 brave emergency workers work hand in hand, even erecting a rope structure to secure the transport step. The mission: to get the injured driver to the forest path quickly and safely!

A hero transport in the new vehicle

Finally: With concentrated force, the driver's anxious heart is strapped into a special stretcher and carefully moved out of the divided forest area. Every detail counts, so the helpers have to act carefully. The transport takes place in a vehicle, through the dense forest, to the waiting ambulance – a race against time!

The patient was finally treated in the hospital after more than 2.5 hours of intensive rescue in the forest. And that's not all: the emergency team can proudly announce that the new rescue fire engine from the Wildhagen station has also successfully completed its first major operation here – even before the official handover!

A truly moving operation that once again makes the emergency services true everyday heroes. The courage and determination of the firefighters are once again admirable!

The enclosed images may be used provided the Hattingen Fire Department is mentioned.

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