
The best BU policies with high price stability according to Wirtschaftswoche

The best BU policies with high price stability according to Wirtschaftswoche

9/9/2024 – According to a report by the business magazine, the ten best occupational disability insurance policies with high price stability for a vehicle mechatronics engineer are Allianz, Axa, Baloise, Condor and DBV. For an assistant doctor, Baloise, Canada Life, DEVK Eisenbahn, Hannoversche, Interrisk, LV 1971 and Stuttgarter do the same. In both model cases, Baloise succeeds in being represented in the top ten with four tariffs.

For the second time this year, Morgen & Morgen GmbH has examined occupational disability insurance on behalf of the editorial team of Wirtschaftswoche. The results are published in the current, freely accessible online article “The best occupational disability insurance policies with price stability”.

The study from this spring (VersicherungsJournal 24.5.2024) called for policies with the best price-performance ratio to be identified. The last study was launched with the same intention (25.5.2023). Now the editorial team of the business magazine approached the topic from a different angle.

The stability of the premiums should play a decisive role in the choice of BU insurer.

Editorial staff of Wirtschaftswoche

Pay more attention to the spread

“If the spread, including the difference between the net and gross amounts, is far apart, in the worst case scenario this will jeopardise the financing of the insurance if the insured person cannot pay the higher premiums.”

Therefore, when taking out insurance, attention should always be paid to the gross-net spread. “The stability of the premiums should play a decisive role in the choice of BU insurer,” write the authors.


Five stars for BU premium stability

According to its own information, the analysis company has evaluated the premium stability of BU insurers in a rating based on several components. However, the text does not reveal which components these were.

Two sample cases were used as a basis. One is a 25-year-old assistant doctor and the other is a 20-year-old automotive mechatronics engineer who want to secure a monthly disability pension of 1,000 euros. Both are well-established and have not smoked for ten years. Their contracts end at the age of 67 and provide for an immediate discount as a surplus system.

Only tariffs that the analysis house had previously awarded four stars in its BU overall ranking (April 24, 2024) were taken into account. The prerequisite was five stars in BU premium stability.

How the rankings were determined is not explained. They are obviously based on the cheapest net monthly premium. In addition to the providers and the tariff names, the monthly net and gross premiums as well as school grades are given in two tables. The spread was not shown separately in each case.

Baloise tariffs four times in the top ten

According to the evaluation, the mechatronics engineer has the choice between 43 “very good” offers. Baloise Lebensversicherung AG Deutschland has four products in the top ten of the best occupational disability insurance policies with high price stability. The ten high-flyers are (in order of ranking):

  • Baloise (tariff: “Baloise occupational disability insurance”; monthly payment amount: 55.22 euros; monthly maximum amount: 73.62 euros),
  • Baloise (“Baloise occupational disability insurance with AU”; 58.98 euros; 78.64 euros),
  • Axa Lebensversicherung AG (“ALVSBV”; EUR 59.52; EUR 86.57),
  • DBV Deutsche Beamtenversicherung Lebensversicherung, branch of Axa Lebensversicherung AG (“ALVSDV”; EUR 59.52; EUR 86.57),
  • Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG (“BU Komfort TBUU”; 59.98 euros; 77.90 euros),
  • Baloise (“Baloise occupational disability insurance with care”; 60.92 euros; 81.23 euros),
  • Baloise (“Baloise Occupational Disability Insurance, Cash+1”; 61.21 euros; 81.61 euros),
  • Condor Lebensversicherungs-AG (“C80 basic”; 61.37 euros; 87.67 euros),
  • Axa (“ALVSBV with AU”; 62.46 euros; 90.85 euros) and
  • DBV (“ALVSDV with AU”; 62.46 euros; 90.85 euros).

The assistant doctor can choose between 38 “very good” offers. Here too, Baloise shines with four representatives in the top group of ten. These include:

  • Baloise (“Baloise occupational disability insurance”; 30.86 euros; 41.14 euros),
  • Baloise (“Baloise occupational disability insurance with AU”; 32.92 euros; 43.89 euros),
  • Interrisk Lebensversicherungs-AG Vienna Insurance Group (“ABV XL”; EUR 33.91; EUR 45.21),
  • Canada Life Assurance Europe plc, branch for Germany (“Occupational Disability Protection”; EUR 34.17; EUR 34.17),
  • Baloise (“Baloise Occupational Disability Insurance, Cash+1”; 34.48 euros; 45.97 euros),
  • Life insurance from 1871 aG Munich (“Goldene SGE”, 35.40 euros; 53.63 euros),
  • Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung aG (“BUV-Plus (Tariff 91)”; 35.44 euros; 50.63 euros),
  • DEVK Deutsche Eisenbahn Versicherung Lebensversicherungsverein aG (“L BU”; 35.49 euros; 52.19 euros),
  • Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG (“SBU Premium”; EUR 36.37; EUR 48.50) and
  • Baloise (“Baloise occupational disability insurance, Cash+3”; 36.43 euros; 48.57 euros).

Further investigations

In the spring survey conducted by Morgen & Morgen for Wirtschaftswoche, LV1871 (without an incapacity clause) and Allianz (with an incapacity clause) came out on top in the race for the product with the best price-performance ratio for a lawyer. Baloise won both offers for an economics student.

Franke und Bornberg GmbH recently examined the market for insurance solutions to protect the workforce for the Handelsblatt newspaper (19.8.2024).

When it comes to BU policies for academics, the offer from HDI Lebensversicherung AG is at the top. In the product test for a tradesman, Volkswohl Bund Lebensversicherung aG and LV 1871 shared first place.

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