
Storm chaos in the ZDF television garden: Show has to be evacuated

Storm chaos in the ZDF television garden: Show has to be evacuated

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This is probably not how presenter Andrea Kiewel and the viewers imagined the new “ZDF-Fernsehgarten” episode: In the middle of the live broadcast, the audience had to unexpectedly leave the premises. © Screenshots “ZDF-Fernsehgarten” (edition of September 8th)

Andrea Kiewel presents the ZDF television garden under difficult conditions. A storm causes an abrupt interruption of the show. The area is evacuated.

Mainz – On Sunday, September 8, viewers were eagerly awaiting a new episode of the “ZDF-Fernsehgarten”. But the show took an unexpected turn: the premises of the popular program suddenly had to be evacuated. What was the reason for this?

The edition of the “ZDF-Fernsehgarten” with Andrea Kiewel was overshadowed by a storm

Already at the beginning of the show, Andrea Kiewel (59) had a premonition as she observed the sky. She turned to the band “More than Words” and asked: “Is that coming or is that going?” She was referring to the dark clouds that unexpectedly gathered over Mainz's Lerchenberg.

Lanny Lanner (49), band member and husband of singer Stefanie Hertel (45), answered confidently: “It's possible.” But his assessment turned out to be wrong: just a few moments later, it started to rain heavily in the “ZDF-Fernsehgarten.”

A violent storm passed over the filming area of ​​the ZDF television garden.
A violent storm swept across the ZDF television garden filming area. © Screenshot (

The viewers of the “ZDF-Fernsehgarten” were brought to safety

After the first rain shower, the weather calmed down briefly. But that was just the calm before the storm – the weather worsened again. The conditions became so uncomfortable that the audience was ordered to leave the grounds of the “ZDF-Fernsehgarten”. Andrea Kiewel explained: “There is now an announcement that the audience should get to safety so that nothing happens here in the event of a thunderstorm or lightning strike.” The presenter continued the show in an emergency studio, while the audience was taken to a nearby hall on the grounds.

The golden late summer is over. There is a massive drop in temperature in NRW. However, it is not only getting colder, but also wetter and stormier.

Source: “ZDF-Fernsehgarten” (edition of 8 September)

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