
Near the stadium – football star Tyreek Hill arrested by police

Near the stadium – football star Tyreek Hill arrested by police

Shortly before the first game of the season with his Miami Dolphins, football star Tyreek Hill is in the spotlight – because of an incident with the police. The scenes are causing outrage.

The Miami Dolphins will start the new season of the US football league NFL this Sunday at 7 p.m. German time. One of the team's biggest stars: wide receiver Tyreek Hill – but just a few hours before the start of the game, the 30-year-old was in the spotlight because of another incident.

Hill was arrested by police during a traffic stop in Miami on Sunday afternoon – just a block from his hometown's Hard Rock Stadium. Videos on social media show Hill lying face down on the street next to his black sports car while four police officers handcuff him.

According to a report by sports channel ESPN, Hill was stopped for speeding. This led to a verbal argument with the police officers. Several of Hill's teammates saw the incident and offered their support. The player was released a short time later and was able to start in the local clash against the Jacksonville Jaguars that evening.

“I'm just thankful that Tyreek is OK,” Hill's agent Drew Rosenhaus told ESPN afterward, also thanking teammates who tried to help de-escalate the situation. It was “a heartbreaking situation” that was “completely unnecessary.”

Rosenhaus now wants to make sure that Hill was not mistreated by the police. Seeing his clients in handcuffs is “crazy.” “We will investigate,” Rosenhaus announced. “We will take care of him.”

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