
Motorcyclist (72) died at the scene of the accident – ​​5 minutes

Motorcyclist (72) died at the scene of the accident – ​​5 minutes

Published on 8 September 2024, 18:07
/ © Montage: Canva

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There was a fatal collision between two motorcyclists in Mariazell on Sunday. A 72-year-old man died.

There was a fatal collision between two motorcyclists in Mariazell on Sunday. A 72-year-old man died.

On Sunday, September 8, a tragic accident occurred on the B21 in Mariazell. A 72-year-old man lost his life in a head-on collision between two motorcyclists.

from Anja Mandler

2 minutes reading time(348 words)

At around 12 noon, a 72-year-old motorcyclist was driving on the B21 towards Mariazell (Bruck-Mürzzuschlag district, Styria). At the same time, a married couple aged 43 (woman) and 52 (man) were riding their motorcycles in the opposite direction. The 72-year-old misjudged a right-hand bend and his motorcycle crossed the center line and thus into the opposite lane. The 52-year-old, who was coming towards the 72-year-old, was able to turn in on his motorcycle and avoid him. However, his wife (43 years old), who was driving behind him, was unable to do this and so the two motorcycles collided head-on.

72-year-old died at the scene of the accident, 43-year-old critically injured

Both drivers were thrown from their vehicles and fell onto the road. Road users following behind immediately set the rescue chain in motion and began first aid measures and resuscitation of the two drivers involved in the accident until the emergency doctor arrived. The 72-year-old motorcyclist died at the scene of the accident. The 43-year-old was taken to St. Pölten University Hospital with life-threatening injuries. A blood test for alcohol on the victim was negative.

Two dead in horror crash in Upper Styria

Just on Saturday, September 7, there was a fatal traffic accident in Styria that claimed the lives of two people. For reasons that are still unclear, a 77-year-old driver from the Leoben area lost control of his car. On the B117 in the St. Gallen area (Liezen, Styria), the man left the road and drove straight into a house wall on a left-hand bend. The vehicle then overturned several times, with the driver's 75-year-old wife also making herself known, and came to a stop after about 70 meters. The two occupants were freed from the crashed vehicle by the fire brigade. The driver was flown to the Linz hospital by rescue helicopter, where he suffered serious injuries. The passenger died at the scene of the accident. The B117 was closed for the duration of the operation. Four police patrols, two volunteer fire departments with 30 emergency personnel, three paramedics and the emergency medical team from the rescue helicopter were involved in the operation.

A notice: This post was updated on 08.09.2024 at 18:16

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