
After jokes about para-athletes: Broadcaster cancels show with Luke Mockridge – News

After jokes about para-athletes: Broadcaster cancels show with Luke Mockridge – News

Limitless satire?

The YouTube video for the podcast also received a lot of criticism. “Comedy is different from making fun of people“, writes one user. Others find the comments on the Paralympics “unbelievably stupid“, “bottom drawer” , “really, really bad“.

But there are also other opinions on the criticized podcast: “Comedy knows no boundaries“, writes one person. Another commented: “Don't understand this shitstorm at all“.

Invitation from the association

The German Disabled Sports Association (DBS) did not want to pay any more attention to the article. Even before the apology, the DBS had reacted to the mockery with an invitation for Mockridge. “We would like to encourage people to watch Para-Sport live to experience the impressive achievements that people with disabilities are capable of – and to understand what areas they represent for our society.“The comedian explained that he wanted to accept the invitation.

We will also report on this topic on 08.09.2024 in the current hour on WDR television

Our sources:

  • Interview with Kristina Vogel
  • News agency dpa
  • Youtube
  • Instagram

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