
September 8 – September 14, Emotionally agitated

September 8 – September 14, Emotionally agitated

The energy you feel this week can last for two months!

Mars (the planet of passion, drive, and anger) will sizzle on the shores of Cancer from September 4 to November 3. Remember the emotions you're feeling now, because you're likely to experience them again between January and April next year.

This week starts with some gloomy energy on September 8th – we might feel more isolated, rejected, or tired. Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th and hits top speed on September 11th, shaking out all that sluggish energy after August.

On September 11th, a spicy energy will emerge with the right star alignment, while the second half of the week will bring butterflies in the stomach and a feeling of bliss. Breakthroughs and exciting opportunities could be coming our way!

Read on to find out what this week has in store for your zodiac sign!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)


A new pace of life is taking hold, Aries, and you'll be feeling this energy on repeat for many months! In fact, you'll be particularly emotional and find your feelings particularly intense.

Try to breathe through anything that triggers you. On the other hand, you may be deeply engrossed in activities around the house, family or domestic life. For example, you may be busy with a renovation or a move.

However, if there are hidden tensions regarding family or parents, you may be ready to stand up for yourself or others.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)


Prepare for an incredibly long period of being on the move, Taurus! Not only are you likely to be doing a lot of traveling between now and next April, but you're also clearly attracting new experiences and perspectives.

Some of you might invest a lot of time in communications projects, such as working on a thesis, creating a milestone proposal, launching a campaign, or learning new skills. Your voice and ideas will carry a lot more weight in the future, so be very clear about your vision and what you want to say, because people will be paying more attention to you.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)


You're headed for a very long period of increased focus on your finances, Gemini. On the bright side, you can make big gains between now and April if you hurry.

However, this long-term period could reveal that you are burning through your money faster than ever before. The key to managing this energy is to understand the ins and outs of your finances so you don't look back and moan that you've used up too many of your resources.

If you want to fight for a better paying job, you might be in luck too!

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)


It's been almost two years since you've felt this excited, Cancer, and the Universe is igniting your body, mind, and soul! You'll feel energized to accomplish personal and professional goals now and in the months to come.

The key is to focus all that powerful energy, keep your eye on the goal, and put all the pieces in place as you hurry. In fact, now through early October will be your strongest period, so seize the time quickly. October and beyond could bring more obstacles than opportunities.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)


The universe is resonating in strange ways right now, Leo. As the wheel of life turns, you're experiencing a different vibe than usual.

Usually, you're ready to step into the spotlight and attract attention – but currently, you're more focused on spending time alone or in your inner world. You might be particularly busy, working hard on developing projects.

Be aware that time is of the essence – and you have more star power and strength on your side in November. Also, keep in mind that launching something in December won't do you any good in the long run.

Virgo (23 August to 22 September)


The universe is blessing you with so much cosmic luck this month, Virgo, even if you find yourself taking things a little harder than you had hoped.

You're entering another time of year that will spice up your social life – especially with friends, acquaintances or supporters! You could attend big events or work on group projects instead.

This energy could also open up more dating opportunities through your network or even turn a friend into a sweetheart. Most importantly, connecting with people who agree with you will be especially rewarding.

Libra (23 September to 22 October)


In the last few months, dear Libra, you have probably placed more emphasis on your career and are now gearing up for extra energy until April 2025!

In fact, you may find yourself suddenly working harder than ever to further your advancement and make a name for yourself. Climbing the corporate ladder, finding another job, or getting noticed could work to your advantage now and in the months to come.

However, if you're feeling frustrated because you're not satisfied with your job, it might be time to pull yourself together and develop a strategy to move forward in a new direction.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)


There's a change of wind, Scorpio, and it's clear that you need a change of scenery. Moving in new directions, trying new things, and opening yourself up to new sensations, perceptions, and experiences will be especially powerful for you now and in the coming weeks.

On the other hand, you may find that you are particularly passionate about your beliefs and how you should – or should not – live your life. This may even lead to arguments or conflicts with others.

When you have something in your mind, you can have extremely strong opinions, but maybe now is the time to open yourself up to other points of view.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)


Get ready for a surge of erotic energy to electrify your body, mind, and soul, Sagittarius. Always a passionate type, you want to connect with someone on the deepest level.

Fortunately, this energy will remain active for many months to come. Especially for couples in long-term relationships, it's hotter than ever to turn up the heat in the bedroom.

However, if for some reason you feel like you're not getting what you want from an outside party or your sweetheart, you may be more likely to feel a little agitated, frustrated, or downright disrespected. Try your best to step back and assess where you stand in your connections and how you can work together as a team.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)


Prepare for even more energy to strengthen your relationships, Capricorn. This fuel will keep them going from now until next summer.

Flying alone won't get you very far now! The key to harnessing this cosmic flow is to find someone who can work side by side with you. This can be a sweetheart, but also a business partner.

Singles can also take advantage of this energy by taking the initiative and looking for someone who matches their ideal partner.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)


This year has certainly brought us many opportunities for happiness and romance, Aquarius, but a new trend is emerging.

You become a train racing along the tracks, trying to be as productive as possible. Now and in the coming weeks, you may find that an endless flood of tasks and projects land on your desk, drowning you under the demands of your work.

If you're in an unsatisfying job, you might be yearning for a change. Start searching and applying now! Update your resume or LinkedIn! The perfect job is waiting for you.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)


Of all the signs, you, Pisces, have the most potential to enjoy romance, creativity, and passion from now until next summer. This energy picked up steam last week and will be even more pronounced now.

You'll be exuberant and full of energy, having fun, falling in love, or living life to the fullest! If you're single, you're in one of the most important stages of your life to find sexy suitors who could ignite the magic in your soul. If you're already in a relationship, use that eternal flame to ignite the spark between you.

On the other hand, spending time on art and expression, spending time with children, or pursuing hobbies can be particularly rewarding.

Kyle Thomas – known for his cosmic advice to celebrities, businesspeople and celebrity influencers – is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE's weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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