
From actor to Apple professional –

From actor to Apple professional –


For 10 years, the trained actor has concentrated on supporting Apple products in Berlin and on YouTube.

Before that happened, however, Joel Samael Stuehl took a completely different path. The son of two parents was interested in theater and plays from a young age. So he began to gain his own first experiences on stage. In 2003, he was finally able to take a big step and begin acting training at the Stage School in Hamburg. During this time, he was able to act in theaters in Hamburg and make appearances in TV series. For example, he appeared in the ARD early evening series “Eine für alle – Frauen könnens besser”. He also had guest roles in “Doppelter Einsatz”, “Unter Uns” and “Notruf Hafenkante”. In the theater, he was cast in well-known material such as “Crazy” (based on the novel by Benjamin Lebert) and “Die Welle”. He was then occasionally active as an actor until 2014.

At about the same time, he began to build a second source of income. From this point in time around 2013/14, he uploaded his first videos on YouTube under the pseudonym “JOCR” that dealt with applications on Apple products, primarily MAC and iPhone. These included a tutorial on creating a Time Machine backup or an Instagram tutorial for iPhone with reference to the then-new social media platform. This was followed by unboxing videos in which he raved about the advantages of his Apple Watch or introduced the then-current MacBook Retina Black, which he had purchased. In this context, an article with the title “Daily Planner: This is how easy it is to plan my day with Apple!” also smells strongly of product placement. One can only speculate that Stuehl was probably already working in support for the company at this time.

In any case, he now runs his own support shop/customer service for Apple products in Berlin. His acting career seems to have been put on hold for this. At least according to Crew-United, he has not been active in this segment since his participation in the ZDF series “Lotta – And the seriousness of life” in 2016. According to his own information, I conducted a support consultation for 3/4 years on the side and then worked on it independently, which is why he now runs the business full-time.

As already mentioned, his videos, with which he has now reached over 150,000 subscribers, are often interspersed with product placements. In the VLOG “I was forced to do JOCR”, for example, his Apple Watch and his Apple notebook are prominently featured in the picture, with an attempt to narratologize them in an almost poetic way. Even though one can of course criticize this, his inputs, in which he repeatedly demonstrates his exceptionally great know-how regarding technical aspects of Apple, are certainly useful. For example, when he gives advice on what to consider when buying used Macs.

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