
Accident in Lauta: Car drives over 40 m fence and destroys wall – one injured

Accident in Lauta: Car drives over 40 m fence and destroys wall – one injured

In Lauta (OT Leippe) hat es einen schweren Unfall gegeben. Ein Auto überfuhr 40 Meter Zaun und kam erst an einer Hauswand zum Halten. Der Fahrer wurde schwer verletzt.


In an accident in Lauta, a man was seriously injured and there was extensive property damage.

Jenny Pohl /Blue Light Report Lausitz

A 36-year-old was driving his electric car on Tornoer Straße from the direction of Leippe and came off the road. He drove over about 40 meters of property fence and only came to a stop between the house wall and the fence. The corner of the wall was badly damaged in the accident.

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