
Users demand consequences after Paralympics scandal

Users demand consequences after Paralympics scandal

Users turn to Sat.1: “Luke Mockridge should finally be taken off the stage!”

The reactions were not long in coming. A storm of indignation broke out on social networks. Many users described Mockridge's statements as unacceptable and demanded that the comedian face consequences. The outrage was so great that it quickly turned to the platforms and media that provide Mockridge with a platform. The wave of criticism quickly turned against the television station Sat.1.

On September 12th, Mockridge's new show called “What's in the Box?” is set to start on Sat.1. Many users are demanding that the station sets an example. One user wrote: “Luke Mockridge should finally be taken off the stage!” Another comment read: “Mockridge works for Sat.1 and has been given a new show. If that doesn't have consequences, save yourself the campaigns against discrimination.” The station has not yet made a public statement – “Your silence on Luke Mockridge is damn loud” and “It's time to act! Your silence on Mockridge is disrespectful,” users commented under a Sat.1 post.

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