
Venice Film Festival: Julia von Heinz: Cinema addresses big human questions

Venice Film Festival: Julia von Heinz: Cinema addresses big human questions

According to director Julia von Heinz, films fulfil an important function by making political engagement tangible on a personal level. “We need cinema to address major human and social issues,” the 48-year-old told the German Press Agency.

Von Heinz, who became internationally known with the film “And Tomorrow the Whole World” and will soon be bringing her drama “Treasure” to the cinema, was part of the competition jury at the Venice Film Festival this year.

“What many of the films we liked had in common was that they addressed major human, social and political questions through the stories of individuals or family constellations,” summed up the Berlin-born filmmaker.

This time, Pedro Almodóvar won the Golden Lion for his drama “The Room Next Door”. The film tells the story of a terminally ill woman who wants to end her own life – and receives support from her friend.

21 films competed for the main prize of the film festival. “We dealt with the films in a very friendly and constructive manner, there were long discussions,” Heinz described her work as a jury member.

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