
Steve Jobs’ first resume contained the key to his success

Steve Jobs’ first resume contained the key to his success

Even without work experience, Steve Jobs's incomplete short CV gives an idea of ​​what he would become.

What did Steve Jobs' resume look like at 18? It is a quick read, because Steve Jobs, as an 18-year-old in 1973, did not fill out all the fields. For one thing, the later Apple co-founder did not provide a telephone number, for example, and for another, like most people at that age, he had little to no work experience.

But what he wrote down already shows, in retrospect, that he had a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to do with his life.

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Where does the document come from? It was dug up and published on X by the renowned Bloomberg reporter Jon Erlichman. We have included his tweet here for you:

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What is in the CV? Apart from the young Jobs's attractive calligraphy handwriting, what stands out is the information about the skills he has already acquired: computers and the use of computers of various kinds. He also makes it clear what kind of jobs he is interested in as a college student: Electrical engineer or design engineerBoth seem to be a perfect fit for the visionary who, not least with the iPhone, was to help the smartphone in its current form to achieve its breakthrough.

Who does the second CV belong to? This is basically the opposite of Steve Jobs' everyday work of art; it is the CV of 18-year-old Bill Gates from 1974: typed out, at first glance complete and far more detailed. His already detailed focus on software programming is also striking.

Even a few years later, when he had already co-founded Apple, he still had some important ideas. For example, he spoke at a conference about the first approaches to the use of artificial intelligence and how it could change or threaten the world: Steve Jobs' visionary speech on artificial intelligence 40 years ago – The co-founder of Apple anticipated our problems

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