
Man escapes jail sentence after stabbing victim in head in brutal attack outside London pub

Man escapes jail sentence after stabbing victim in head in brutal attack outside London pub

A 22-year-old man has escaped prison after stabbing another man in the head outside a pub in central London.

Kyle Quinn, of Hammondstreet Road, Cheshunt, was given a suspended sentence following the violent altercation at the Woodin Shades pub in Bishopsgate.

Quinn was found guilty of wounding with intent and possession of an offensive weapon at Inner London Crown Court.

Judge Boyle sentenced him to two years' imprisonment, suspended for 24 months, a community sentence of 240 hours' unpaid work and a rehabilitation order. He was also ordered to pay compensation and surcharges.

The incident occurred on the evening of October 22, 2022, when Quinn became involved in a fight outside the pub. During the altercation, he pulled out a knife and stabbed the victim twice in the head, causing serious injuries, and once in the back. Fortunately, the back injury did not fully penetrate the victim's coat.

Detective Constable Sam Lowe of the City of London Police said: “This was a vicious attack which could easily have resulted in the death of the victim. Our thoughts are with the victim who was truly brave to come forward and assist our investigation.”

Police conducted extensive investigations which included witness interviews, CCTV analysis, forensic examinations and media appeals. Quinn was identified in November 2022 but had left the country. He was arrested on his return to Stansted Airport in January 2023.

DC Lowe added: “If you come to the city with the intention of harming others with a knife, we will find you and bring you to justice.”

The three-day trial ended on July 8, 2024 at Inner London Crown Court, where Quinn was found guilty.

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