
The accident investigation team of the drama series | – Culture

The accident investigation team of the drama series | – Culture

Status: 07.09.2024 00:00

Information about the most important characters in the six-part German-Finnish series “Sconds – In the Ruins of the Disaster”, who help to clarify the cause of a train accident with dozens of deaths.

Marita Kaila, 46

The lead investigator Marita Kaila (Leena Pöysti).

Life has taught Marita that even the most trivial decisions can set off a chain reaction that leads to massive destruction. But they also know that living in fear is not the answer. On the surface, Marita seems to fear nothing. They wouldn't wear a seatbelt if the beeping didn't drive them crazy. The batteries in their fire alarm have long since died. And if someone suggested skydiving, Marita would be first in line.

Marita has found a way to use the quality she once considered a flaw: her ability to reconstruct events in inner reality, which quickly seems as real as the real world. Work is the most important thing in Marita's life. But she often feels lonely. Outside of work, Marita has nothing. Except Nunnu – her deceased sister.

When Marita's colleague and best friend Jenni finds out about Nunnu, she thinks that the previous events are over for Marita and that she only summoned Nunnu again for a short time after the last traumatic mission. But for Marita, Nunnu is a perfect permanent companion because she only exists in her head, where nothing bad can happen to her.

The railway disaster is a challenge for Marita not only professionally but also personally. When the evidence points to a culprit, Marita is the only one who stands up against it. Perhaps because she has begun to identify with the alleged culprits, who, like Marita, have psychological problems? Or will Marita prove through the presumption of innocence that she is capable of giving her all in her job despite having an imaginary sister?

Marita begins to doubt herself: Is she becoming the kind of security risk she is supposed to track down and eliminate? And above all: will she ever dare to love someone who is real?

Jenni Louhipelto, 42

Scene from the series "Seconds – In the rubble of the catastrophe": Jenni (Meri Nenonen) is Marita Kaila's long-time colleague and best friend. © Fire Monkey Productions Oy / Herkki-Erich Merila

Jenni Louhipelto (Meri Nenonen).

Jenni is Marita's long-time colleague and best friend, although the two women are very different in many ways. Jenni sees dangers everywhere and constantly tries to banish them from her family life with her wife and two children – a hopeless undertaking.

Jenni sees Marita's carefree behavior as an escape from responsibility, while Marita finds Jenni's caring nature neurotic. Tempers flare up every now and then.

As the season progresses, the conflict between Marita and Jenni escalates when Jenni suspects Marita of letting her personal feelings influence the investigation. Is Jenni doing her friend more harm than good by keeping the secret about her imaginary sister to herself?

Daniel Lind, 29

Scene from the series "Seconds – In the rubble of the catastrophe": Newcomer Daniel Lind (Mikko Kauppila) in the accident investigation team. © Fire Monkey Productions Oy / Herkki-Erich Merila

Daniel Lind (Mikko Kauppila) is a newcomer to the accident investigation team.

The youngest son of a pastor is the newcomer to the accident investigation team. He grew up in a safe, secure environment, shaped by his parents' deep Christian faith.

When the catastrophic train accident occurs, Daniel must face personal crises on many fronts: not only is he confronted with the investigation of the largest accident in the country's history, but also with the senselessness of the tragedy, which challenges his faith.

And then he unexpectedly comes across someone who is just as lost as he is: the train conductor's young girlfriend, who was injured in the accident. It doesn't take long before Daniel makes the biggest mistake an investigator can make: he gets involved in a personal relationship with a person involved in an investigation.

Aarne Malmio, 58

Scene from the series "Seconds – In the rubble of the catastrophe": Aarne Malmio (Teijo Eloranta) is the director of the Accident Investigation Authority. © Fire Monkey Productions Oy / Herkki-Erich Merila

Aarne Malmio (Teijo Eloranta).

As director of the Accident Investigation Authority and thus the direct superior of the investigators, Aarne is first in the firing line when it comes to external pressure to solve the accident. His integrity is put to the test in this disaster: the Minister of Transport is pulling out all the stops to bring the investigation to a quick conclusion. When Aarne begins to wonder whether Marita has withheld the final report for personal reasons, he is tempted to give in to the pressure.

Eero Mäenpää, 46

Scene from the series "Seconds – In the rubble of the catastrophe": Systems analyst Eero Mäenpää (Juho Milonoff). © Fire Monkey Productions Oy / Herkki-Erich Merila

Systems analyst Eero Mäenpää (Juho Milonoff).

Despite Marita's displeasure, the investigators realize that Finland's best systems analysts are needed to examine the software used to control rail traffic.

From the moment they first meet, it's clear that the condescending Eero and Marita don't get along. Eero seems to mock Marita's strong emotions and her concern for people. Marita is annoyed by Eero's lack of empathy and his hurtful directness.

Nevertheless, Eero is a competent member of the investigative team. To her dismay, Marita later realizes that she feels attracted to Eero. Every now and then she catches a glimpse of a different Eero – intelligent, understanding, fascinating.

More information

Seconds – In the rubble of the disaster: Investigator Marita Kaila (Leena Pöysti) in the middle of a burning train. © NDR/??????

In the series, accident investigator Kaila and her team must investigate the cause of a train accident in a marshalling yard that left dozens dead. more

This topic in the program:

NDR Kultur | SECONDS – In the rubble of the catastrophe | 21.09.2024 | 11:00 p.m.


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