
Top guests at the last “Immer wieder sonntags” show in 2024

Top guests at the last “Immer wieder sonntags” show in 2024

Among those on stage on Sunday morning at Europapark Rust will be: Andy Borgthe “A Little Peace” interpreter Nicolethe rock singer of the hit: Marina Marx, die cappuccino, the Trenkwalders, Vincent Gross and Eric Philippi.

Stefan Mross not only presents the singers to the viewers in his show, but also invites them to talk shows in which many secrets are revealed. This year, too, the star kitchen was cooking – although not, as in previous years, with Stefan's still-wife Anna-Carina Woitschack, but with the respective artistic guests of the show. And there were also emotional moments.

At the beginning of August, the presenter surprised the recently retired midwife Monika, who had helped more than 3,000 babies into the world. After a conversation, several of the many families whose children were born under the care and with the help of the midwife suddenly appeared.

Stefan Mross celebrated his personal anniversary

When presenter Stefan Mross opened this year’s “Immer wieder sonntags” season on June 16, he explained to viewers why he was particularly excited this year. “Because this year we are celebrating 'Immer wieder sonntags', where my name is underneath, in its 20th anniversary year. And who do I have to thank for that? First of all, you, dear viewers.”.

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