
Katie Gaudreau remembers the “split second” in which she learned the devastating news of Johnny and Matthew’s deaths

Katie Gaudreau remembers the “split second” in which she learned the devastating news of Johnny and Matthew’s deaths

OLDMANS TOWNSHIP, NEW JERSEY: Katie Gaudreau, who was preparing for the happiest day of her life, is now reflecting on a devastating tragedy, People reports.

Just one day before her wedding, Katie's two brothers, Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau, were killed in a tragic bicycle accident. Looking back today, she remembers the “split second” when her life changed forever.

Katie Gaudreau reflects on learning about Johnny and Matthew's deaths

The heartbreaking incident occurred on Thursday, August 29, as Johnny Gaudreau, a 31-year-old professional hockey player for the Columbus Blue Jackets, and his 29-year-old brother Matthew Gaudreau were biking in Oldmans Township, New Jersey.

The brothers were in town to serve as best men at Katie's wedding, which was scheduled for August 30.

The fatal accident occurred when 43-year-old driver Sean M Higgins attempted to pass another vehicle and struck Johnny and Matthew. According to the New Jersey State Police, Higgins was believed to be under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.

After the accident, he was arrested and charged with two counts of negligent homicide.

Court proceedings in the case are moving forward. Higgins' detention hearing, originally scheduled for September 5, has been postponed until September 13 to give both the prosecution and defense more time to submit legal documents and evidence.

The fatal accident occurred when a driver attempted to pass another vehicle and struck Johnny Gaudreau and Matthew Gaudreau (Richard T Gagnon/Getty Images)

As the legal battle continues, Katie must grapple with the immense grief of losing both of her brothers just hours before their wedding day.

In an emotional Instagram post, Katie recalled the moment she received the life-changing news. “This day. In the middle of preparing for the best day of my life, the unthinkable happens that will change my life forever,” she wrote.

Her heartfelt post was accompanied by childhood photos of her with Johnny and Matthew. In her thoughts, she mentioned that her biggest worry just moments earlier had been forgetting to practice her dance moves with her fiancé.

“I remember sitting in the hotel with my family a week ago and texting [my fiancé] Devin [Joyce] about forgetting to practice our dip,” Katie said.

Katie will never forget the transition from the trivial worries of wedding planning to the overwhelming grief of the instant loss of her brothers.

“To think that was our biggest concern at that moment, while in a split second and a phone call our lives would change forever. Remember to tell your people you love them. I would do anything to tell my big brothers I love them one more time,” she wrote.

(Katie Gaudreau/Instagram)
Katie Gaudreau's heartfelt post was accompanied by childhood photos of her with Johnny and Matthew (Katie Gaudreau/Instagram)

Katie Gaudreau's latest reflection triggers a flood of reactions on the Internet

Katie Gaudreau's recent thoughts on the deaths of her brothers Johnny and Matthew sparked a flood of reactions online.

On Instagram, one person commented: “I am so heartbroken for all of you. Sending you strength. Every day we are given is a gift.” Another wrote: “No words are enough but I am so sorry Katie. The whole world is embracing your family.”

“I'm so sorry. It doesn't seem like enough. Know that strangers are praying for you all and thinking of you,” one person wrote. Another added: “The extreme love between everyone in your family is evident in every photo shared.”

One person wrote: “Heartbroken for all of you.” Another added: “Katie thinks of you all the time. We are so sorry.”

One netizen commented: “I can't stop thinking about all of you… no one deserves to go through this.” Another added: “My heart breaks for your family and I'm praying for you.”

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