
Fines for using the bus lane illegally: It can be expensive

Fines for using the bus lane illegally: It can be expensive

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With a few exceptions, only buses are allowed to drive in bus lanes. If you don't stick to this rule, it can be expensive. You could even be banned from driving.

Driving in the city can be stressful and time-consuming: especially at rush hour, traffic in cities is often very heavy – and this makes it difficult for buses to keep to their schedule. Specially designated bus lanes are therefore an important tool in many places to speed up public transport. In principle, driving in bus lanes is reserved exclusively for buses. However, under certain conditions, other vehicles may also use the lanes. If your own vehicle is not one of them, you may be subject to hefty fines.

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Bus lanes in cities: Some set up with time limits

Bus lanes are marked by appropriate road markings and by traffic sign 245 – a blue sign with a white bus on it. In principle, only regular and school buses are allowed to drive here – unless an additional sign also allows other vehicles: These can be electric cars, taxis, coaches, ambulances or bicycles. In some cases, a lane is only considered a bus lane at certain times – for example in the morning and evening. The times are then also indicated on a separate sign.

Driving illegally in bus lanes: These are the fines you face

The unauthorized use of the bus lane can result in hefty fines. Driving in the bus lane in violation of the ban is relatively cheap at 15 euros. According to ADAC However, if you obstruct regular traffic, the fine rises to 35 euros. Stopping or parking in a bus lane costs at least 55 euros – if you obstruct traffic, the fine rises to 70 euros. Here is an overview:

Driving illegally in the bus lane 15 euros
Driving illegally in the bus lane + obstructing public transport 35 euros
Stopping/parking in a bus lane 55 euros
Stopping/parking in a bus lane + obstructing traffic 70 euros
Stopping/parking in a bus lane + endangering others 80 euros

Bus lane: An accident can result in a high fine and a driving ban

It can be particularly expensive if an accident occurs in connection with the bus lane. If you cross a bus lane when turning (regardless of whether it is left or right), you must always let the traffic going straight ahead (usually a bus) pass first. ADAC There. It doesn't matter whether the bus is coming the other way or going in the same direction. If an accident occurs in this situation, drivers will have to dig deep into their pockets: 170 euros are due, plus a point on their license and a one-month driving ban. The sanction is not much lower if other road users are endangered during the maneuvers mentioned, only the fine drops to 140 euros.

Bus lane on a road
Only school buses and public buses are allowed to drive on a designated bus lane – unless other vehicles are expressly permitted to do so. This was the case with bicycles this autumn. © Imagebroker/Imago

In some cities, people blocking bus lanes are a big problem: last summer, for example, the city of Wiesbaden decided to equip buses with cameras so that they could photograph people who park illegally in bus lanes or in stopping areas. The photos could later be used as evidence. The city will use this measure to speed up bus traffic. The responsible transport company explained that the main aim was to have a “deterrent effect”.

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