
Family reacts after shooting involving a police officer

Family reacts after shooting involving a police officer

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (WBRC) – Birmingham Police were involved in a chase Wednesday afternoon, when a shooting involving police occurred.

Officers were observed chasing 28-year-old Jaylin Patton along a fence. According to BPD, this incident began with a traffic stop before Patton jumped out of his car and ran away.

As of Wednesday afternoon, Patton's mother, Nicole Hillary, and other family members are at UAB Hospital, but they say they have not seen him and do not know anything about his condition.

Furthermore, they still do not know the reason for the first stop.

The family says they have received several videos of yesterday's incident.

“He was shot. You shot him. He was not a threat, he was running for his life. You kept shooting. Where was your taser? Why couldn't you use your taser? Why couldn't you just run away?” Hillary said, expressing her concern.

Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond said this all happened around 4 p.m. on Wednesday and began as a routine traffic stop.

“The offender drove off the highway for some reason, jumped out of his vehicle and a foot chase ensued. At one point, the suspect fired at our officers. Our officer returned fire and the offender was hit once,” Thurmond explains.

A video shows someone running away from police officers. Hillary claims that's all her son did and she doesn't believe he fired a shot.

“If the shots had been fired first, he would have been dead on the side of the car. He couldn't have run away,” Hillary said. “They chased him on the lawn, he jumped over the gate, and when he did that, they put a taser on him and started shooting, 10 to 12 shots.”

After nearly 24 hours in the hospital, Hillary says she still hasn't seen her son. She says officers told her he was being detained and asked her family to leave the waiting room.

WBRC has made a request for bodycam footage of Wednesday's incident.

The investigation has been turned over to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency.

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