
Drama on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”: Candidate risks everything – and loses

Drama on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”: Candidate risks everything – and loses

On Thursday evening, presenter Günther Jauch invited his winner to the grand finale of the “3 million euro week”. Only those who quizzed up to the 16,000 euro limit received the final ticket. For some, the final evening was a bitter disappointment…

Candidate Holger Rohm ventured into the hot seat once again on the condition that he was guaranteed a win of 10,000 euros – regardless of the outcome of the game round. Rohm was able to win 64,000 euros in the “smart-ass special”. Before Jauch even asked him a second time, the Bavarian blurted out: “Yes, I do!”

Rohm made it to the 100,000 euro question

Eager to gamble, Rohm actually made it to the 100,000 Euro question, which was: “What is specifically mentioned in the Ten Commandments in Exodus?” Answer A: Euphrates and Tigris, Answer B: Beer and wine, Answer C: Cattle and donkeys, or Answer D: Saturday and Sunday.

The deep fall

After a brief consideration, Jauch's candidate decided on “Saturday and Sunday”, but was wrong. The correct answer would have been C, beef and donkey. “I was sure, then you'd stop,” said Jauch. “If we draw a line under it, your 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire' career has brought you 11,000 euros forward.”

“I don't think we've ever had such an odd sum,” said the moderator as he bid farewell to his candidate, who kept his loss in perspective. A blessing in disguise, you could say. The additional 1,000 euros won were added to the 10,000 euros already promised – many people have gone home with significantly less than that…

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