
Perpetrator (25) had “no political motive”

Perpetrator (25) had “no political motive”

  1. Mannheim24
  2. Mannheim

Here in Relaisstrasse, the 25-year-old is said to have removed and damaged several AfD election posters. © René Priebe/PR-Video/Fotografie & Video

Mannheim – After the bloody knife attack on an AfD politician on Rheinau's market square, the alleged perpetrator (25) is to be placed in a psychiatric hospital permanently. Is he not guilty?

Update from September 6, 6:59 a.m.: New details on the bloody knife attack on AfD politician Heinrich Koch on late June 4th in Mannheim-Rheinau. The public prosecutor's office will permanently place the alleged perpetrator (25) in a psychiatric hospital, a spokeswoman told the dpa Said. Interestingly, the investigations did not reveal any evidence of a political motive. It was assumed that the attacker knew nothing about the party affiliation.

Attacker (25) stabs AfD politician – is he not guilty?

The victim, Heinrich Koch, the stepfather of reality TV star Kim Virginia, was stabbed in the stomach and head with a carpet knife. He suffered a five-centimeter-long cut behind his ear and a stab wound in his left upper abdomen – his life was not in danger. The 25-year-old accused is already in a psychiatric hospital due to temporary detention.

The public prosecutor's office has filed a motion against the suspect in the jury chamber of the Mannheim Regional Court for attempted manslaughter in conjunction with dangerous bodily harm. However, according to the preliminary results of a psychiatric report, he is not criminally responsible due to a mental illness.

Knife attack in Mannheim-Rheinau – suspect is accused of attempted manslaughter

Update June 5, 4:17 p.m.: This afternoon, the 25-year-old suspect was brought before the investigating judge at the Mannheim District Court. The judge issued the arrest warrant for attempted manslaughter requested by the Mannheim Public Prosecutor's Office and ordered the man to be temporarily placed in a psychiatric facility. The 25-year-old was then taken back to a psychiatric hospital.

AfD politician injured with knife in Mannheim-Rheinau – party leadership speaks out

Update June 5, 3:20 p.m.: Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser condemns the act of violence against an AfD politician, Heinrich K., in Mannheim-Rheinau, who was injured with a knife while pursuing an election poster thief. “There is never a justification for violence,” said the SPD politician. In addition, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit only made general comments when asked about Chancellor Scholz's (SPD) stance: “Violence does not fit in with democracy and does not belong here. We are having a peaceful dispute. We are fighting with arguments and nothing else.”

AfD chairman comments on knife attack: “to remember the minimum democratic practices”

AfD leader Alice Weidel and co-chairman Tino Chrupalla were also appalled by the incident. “We condemn this violence and call for a return to the basic democratic practices,” wrote Weidel on the X platform. In a post on the same portal, Chrupalla points out that “members and representatives (of the AfD) are the most frequent victims of political violence and destruction.” However, the AfD will “not allow itself to be held back” by this.

AfD politician injured with knife in Mannheim-Rheinau – Mayor comments on “despicable act”

Update June 5, 12:27 p.m.: Now Mayor Christian Specht has commented on the latest knife attack: “This cowardly act is abhorrent and cannot be justified in any way.” “Anyone who attacks election candidates is calling into question our free, equal, general, direct and secret elections – and thus the basis of our democracy.” The incident on Tuesday evening is one of many in which campaign workers and politicians have been attacked across Germany.

Mayor calls for a return “to respectful and peaceful competition”

“The hatred and the willingness to use violence that are currently breaking out in our society are unbearable,” said the mayor. “I condemn physical attacks as well as any kind of damage to property – not just during the election campaign. We must return to a respectful and peaceful competition for the best solutions for our community.” He also wished the injured man a speedy recovery and thanked the police forces for their quick intervention.

AfD politician injured with knife in Mannheim-Rheinau – perpetrator mentally ill?

Update June 5, 11:47 am: According to the Mannheim police, they arrested a 25-year-old man on Schwabenheimer Strasse in the Rheinau district on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday at around 10:30 p.m. He is suspected of having previously damaged and stolen election posters on Relaisstrasse. Witnesses alerted the officers, including the AfD politician Heinrich K., who pursued the suspect and eventually stopped him.

After attack with carpet knife – perpetrator placed in a psychiatric hospital

The 25-year-old is said to have injured the politician with a cutter knife before fleeing. According to information from the local council group, Heinrich K. was hit in the ear and stomach. Jörg Finkler from the AfD group said that he had attended an event organized by the AfD district association on Tuesday evening before the incident. The young perpetrator was arrested without resistance shortly after the attack on Schwabenheimer Strasse.

The 62-year-old politician was then taken to hospital and, according to the dpa, was able to leave the clinic at midday. The suspect was found to be showing signs of mental illness, which is why he was taken to a psychiatric hospital. There is currently no concrete evidence that the young man knew who his victim was at the time of the attack. The Mannheim public prosecutor's office plans to apply for a detention order from the Mannheim district court.

AfD local council candidate attacked with carpet knife in Mannheim-Rheinau – 2 people on the run

Update 5 June, 10:42: A video passed on by the AfD to the German Press Agency (dpa), which was apparently recorded by the injured Heinrich K. himself, shows him running after a young man across the market square and shouting loudly: “Stop!” Stay where you are!” The young man is carrying several AfD election posters under his arm and is presumably holding a carpet knife in his hand. “Lie down immediately!” shouts the AfD politician. A scuffle ensues in which the man swings the knife before the footage becomes blurry.

AfD local council candidate attacked with carpet knife in Rheinau – 2 people on the run

Update June 5, 10:20 a.m.: According to the Bild newspaper, according to AfD spokesman Emil Sänze, the victim is Heinrich K. (62). Sänze reported that K. was attacked by a total of three people, two of whom were still on the run. A carpet knife is said to have been used as the murder weapon. The 62-year-old had to be stitched up in hospital after the attack.

AfD local council candidate attacked with knife in Mannheim

First report June 5, 9:49 a.m.: In Mannheim, an AfD candidate for the local elections was the victim of a knife attack late on Tuesday evening (June 4th) at around 10:45 p.m. According to information from the German Press Agency (dpa) on Wednesday, the man was injured in the incident and the attacker has already been arrested. The AfD district association stated that the incident took place near the market square. However, the police confirmed to our editorial team that they had been deployed on Schwabenheimer Str. in Rheinau.

AfD politician confronts poster tearer and is wounded with a knife

According to the report, the AfD candidate caught a poster tearer red-handed. When he tried to confront the person, he was attacked and injured with a knife. The wounded AfD politician is currently still in hospital, but only suffered superficial cuts. According to the AfD, a total of three people were involved, two of whom managed to escape.

According to the AfD, the incident was an attack by left-wing extremists – this information has not yet been officially confirmed. “We are shocked and dismayed,” said AfD state chairman Markus Frohnmaier. MANNHEIM24 will stay tuned. Just on Friday (May 31) there was a devastating knife attack on the market square in the city center. (sba)

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