
Because of the same name as spirits? – Asbach town sign stolen for the eighth time this year

Because of the same name as spirits? – Asbach town sign stolen for the eighth time this year

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A colorful alternative to the yellow town signs: elementary school students helped the Petershausen community in the Asbach district and got creative. © Petershausen Community

Once again, a sign for the Petershausen district of Asbach has disappeared. It has been a popular target for years. The police have a suspicion as to the motive.

Petershausen – For the eighth time since the beginning of the year, unknown persons have stolen the Asbach town sign. This time, the thieves were “at work” on the night of Sunday, 1st to Monday, 2nd September, and took the sign on the village street along with its bracket. The damage caused amounts to several hundred euros.

Teenagers and young adults steal town sign – police suspect motive

“Since the beginning of the year, the police have registered eight cases of town sign theft in the town. “In five of the cases, suspect investigations were carried out,” said Michael Hermann, spokesman for the Dachau police station. According to the police, these were exclusively teenagers and young adults who wanted to appropriate the town signs, presumably because the name is the same as that of a well-known brand of spirits. Hermann: “All of the suspects identified are already facing criminal charges.”

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Dachau newsletter.)

The Dachau police station has also begun investigations into the current case and is asking for witness information in this context by calling 0 81 31/56 10. DN

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