
Former city councillor Frank Hannig in the dock

Former city councillor Frank Hannig in the dock

Dresden- Once a lawyer himself, Frank Hannig (54) now sat in the dock in the district court DresdenAccording to the prosecution, the lawyer had prevented the tax office from collecting his tax debts. But the trial against the former city councilor was suspended before it could get underway.

Frank Hannig (54) presented documents to the judge, which he must now examine. It is therefore doubtful whether Hannig will be convicted. © Steffen Füssel

According to the report, Hannig owed the tax office 146,904.64 euros in outstanding debts. The authorities tried in vain to collect the money. At the same time, Hannig was employed by a law firm that set up an account for him and paid him fees for months.

Of the 94,000 euros received, 93,000 went to a consulting firm whose account was managed by Hannig's wife.

For the judiciary, Hannig thus prevented the enforcement of his money because the tax office had no access to the money. The office got wind of this in October 2022 and reported the lawyer.

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Right at the start of the trial, however, Hannig pointed out a “procedural obstacle” that could actually make the trial superfluous. According to this, the authorities must file a complaint no later than three months after becoming aware of a possible crime.

“But the tax office knew about the account much earlier,” says Hannig. “This company managed my finances. Among other things, payments to the tax office were made from the account.”

In consultation with the office and tax advisor. The authorities had already known about the account in spring 2020. A report in October 2022 would be far too late and criminal proceedings impossible. Hannig listed witnesses who could confirm this.

Now the judge must check whether this is the case. Until then, the Hannig case is on hold.

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